4 installation, 1 regulations governing installation, 1 france – DE DIETRICH ELITEC DTG 130 Eco.Nox User Manual
Page 14: Residential buildings, Establishments open to the public, A. general regulations, Certificate of compliance, 2 germany

DTG 130 Eco.NOx
01/02/11 - 300002915-001-E
4 Installation
4.1 Regulations governing installation
Residential buildings
Statutory terms and conditions of installation and maintenance:
The installation and maintenance of the appliance must be carried
out by a qualified professional in compliance with the statutory texts
of the codes of conduct in force, particularly:
- Order of 27 April 2009 amending the Order of 2 August 1977
Technical and safety rules applicable to combustible gas and
liquefied hydrocarbon installations situated inside residential
buildings and their annexes.
- NF P 45-204 standards
Gas installation, (formerly DTU 61-1, gas installations: April 1982,
addendum no 1: July 1984).
- Local Sanitary Regulations
For appliances connected to the electricity network:
- NF C 15-100 standards Low voltage electrical installation - Rules..
Establishments open to the public
Statutory terms and conditions of installation:
The installation and maintenance of the appliance must be carried
out in compliance with the statutory texts and rules of the codes of
conduct in force, particularly:
- Safety regulations against fire and panic in establishments open
to the public:
a. General regulations
For all appliances:
- Articles GZ - Installations operating on combustible gases and
liquefied hydrocarbons.
Then, depending on use:
- Articles CH-Heating, ventilation, refrigeration, air conditioning and
production of steam and domestic hot water.
b. Instructions specific to each type of establishment open to the
public (hospitals, stores, etc.).
Certificate of compliance
In application of Article 25 of the Order of 27 April 2009 amending the
Order of 2 August 1977 amended and Article 1 of the amended Order
of 05/02/1999, the installer is required to draw up certificates of
conformity approved by the Ministers responsible for construction
and gas safety:
- Different forms (forms 1, 2 or 3) for a new gas installation.
- Model 4 in particular after replacing a furnace with a new one.
The installation and maintenance of the appliance must be carried
out by a qualified professional in compliance with the statutory texts
of the codes of conduct in force, particularly:
- DIN 4705: calculation of chimney dimensions
- DIN EN 12828 (June 2003 edition): heating systems in buildings.
Planning of hot water heating installations (up to a maximum
operating temperature of 105°C and a maximum output of 1 MW)
- DIN 4753: drinking and industrial water heating installations
- DIN 1988: technical rules on drinking water installations (TRW)
- DVGW-TRGI: technical rules on gas installations, including
complementary equipment
- Working paper DVGW G 260/I: technical rules on the nature of the