Navigation – Advent TOCMR-OE100 User Manual
Page 17

The mode can be accessed from the
Main Menu. The mode can also be se-
lected by pressing the front panel NAV/
DEST button or can be selected using
the front remote control to access the
Main Menu. Then use the cursor keys
to select the NAV icon. The following
procedure provides a quick overview
of the Navigation Mode. For a detailed
description, refer to TOCMR-OE100
Owner’s Manual Navigation.
Navigation Quick Start:
1. Once the navigation mode is se-
lected the software will load and the
following screen will appear:
2. Acknowledge the drive safely warn-
ing and the Navigation main menu
appears. Refer to following screen.
3. When the Navigation main menu
appears press the “Go To…” icon and
the following screen will appear:
4. You can now select a destination.
For this example, let’s find a nearby
airport. Select by pressing screen:
• Icon
to activate main menu.
• Start Route Guidance
• Point of Interest
• State/Province
NOTE: The software remembers the
last State/Province, so this step is not
necessary every time.
• By Category
• Airport
• Sort by Distance
Select one of these functions and the
system will calculate a route to that
destination using the criteria set in the
Setup menu.
5. Use the Map/Guide along Route
function by proceeding to the high-
lighted route and drive while the
software provides audible and visual
guidance to your destination.
6. The software will advise you that you
have arrived at your destination.