Manta gige cameras – ALLIED Vision Technologies Manta G-917 User Manual
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Manta Technical Manual V7.0.1
MANTA GigE cameras
MANTA GigE cameras
Manta cameras have a Gigabit Ethernet interface.
GigE is the abbreviation for Gigabit Ethernet.
All AVT Manta cameras are GigE Vision V1.2 compliant cameras with Gigabit
Ethernet interface. AVT Manta cameras work with Gigabit Ethernet hardware
and cable lengths up to 100 m.
GigE Vision
The GigE Vision standard is an interface standard for digital machine vision cam-
eras widely supported in the industrial imaging industry. In contrast, GigE
(Gigabit Ethernet) is the network GigE Vision is built upon.
GenICam is the command structure for the GigE Vision camera controls. GenI-
Cam is administered by the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA). GenI-
Cam establishes a common camera control interface allowing third-party soft-
ware to communicate with cameras from various manufacturers without cus-
tomization. AVT GigE cameras are GenICam V1.0 compliant.
For further information on the highlights of Manta cameras and
the whole range of AVT GigE cameras, read the data sheets and
brochures on the website of Allied Vision Technologies: