Asus M2NPV-VM User Manual

Page 83

background image

A S U S M 2 N P V - V M

A S U S M 2 N P V - V M

A S U S M 2 N P V - V M

A S U S M 2 N P V - V M

A S U S M 2 N P V - V M

2 - 3 9

2 - 3 9

2 - 3 9

2 - 3 9

2 - 3 9

Password Check

Password Check

Password Check

Password Check

Password Check

This field requires you to enter the password before entering the BIOS
setup or the system. Select [Setup] to require the password before
entering the BIOS Setup. Select [System] to require the password before
entering the system. Configuration options: [Setup] [System]