General settings – CEMB USA N100 User Manual

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CEMB N-Pro program (optional)


record viewing functions:


display the element selected


edit the notes associated with the element displayed (vibration or
balancing measurement). For maximum flexibility, 3 different notes
can be associated to each element: users are free to enter the
information deemed appropriate on a case by case basis.


generate and display a report for the element selected


generate and display a multi-report for the elements selected




report (or multi-report) generated




report (or multi-report) generated


function for importing data from the N100 and N300 instruments:



start/quit the automatic procedure for importing data from the
N instrument using a USB connection


general functions:


open the settings window


display a panel with information related to the software (producer,
version, etc.)


quit the program

General settings

General operating parameters for the CEMB N-Pro software can be set from this window,
such as:


the PC port to which the N instrument will be connected

which will be one of the COMx serials available, a list of which can be displayed by
clicking on the drop-down menu


To select the port correctly, proceed as follows:
- with the N instrument disconnected from the PC, click on the drop-down menu

and select Refresh, noting the list of ports available