CEMB USA C75 (C) User Manual

Page 31

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7.5 - Serial port options (option)

Enables the RS232 serial port and printer in the selection menus.

N.B.: If the two options are enabled at the same time, both will malfunction.
7.5.1 - Control of serial output RS232C

This option enables/disables the sending of the measured unbalance and phase values to serial output RS232C.

Transmission speed

= 9600 baud

Data format

= 7 bit Start

7 bit Data

1 bit Even parity

1 bit Stop

At the end of each unbalancing measuring spin, the balancing machine enables the RTS signal, then places the "$"
character on standby to be able to transmit the data; all functions remain on hold until data transmission is enabled, at
the end of which the RTS signal is reset to the inactive state.
The items of data transmitted via serial line are in ASCII format and are separated between each other by the
character (0x0d).

Sending sequence is as follows:

- 00000

- Value of correction weight, left side

- Correction phase, left side

- Value of correction weight, right side

- Correction phase, right side
The first 5 zero bytes represents the start of transmission message. The correction values are expressed in grams, in
steps of .1 gram.
The phase values are expressed in degrees, in the range 0 ÷ 359

See specific computer board on exploded drawings.

7.5.2 - Printer management

Enable/disable printer and relative print options.

Special functions

Width measure

Eccentricity measureament

Owner address

Users name


Serial output RS232
