Quality vakuum products, inc, Instructions for assembling the vakuum frame press – Q.V.P. VAKUUM FRAME PRESS User Manual

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7/11/12 - Frame Press Instructions.cdr Page 3

Making the Baseboard
You must make a baseboard or platen for inside the frame.
It is similar to the baseboard used in a vacuum bag with
saw kerfs 1/8 - 3/16' deep, every 6 to 10" in both
directions. This helps improve the seal and cuts down on
leakage problems. The baseboard dimensions should be
6" less than the inside of

the frame, thus giving a

minimum 3" space Around the frame. Since it lays flat
on the tabletop, it can be anywhere from 3/8" to 3/4"
thick. You must round all the edges to eliminate all
sharp corners. Do not screw the Baseboard to your
table top
, it will cause leaks, use contact cement or just
let it lay in place.

NOTE: The 3" gap between the baseboard and the
inside of the frame, helps improve the vacuum seal.
Also make sure you push the bag flat on the table
around the perimeter of the baseboard when you are
pulling vacuum. This will improve the seal and prevent
the bag from pulling off the frame.

Installing the VCA6F:
You will need to install a VAKuum Connector
Assembly (VCA6F) into your table top as per Drawing
. Drill a 3/4" hole (check the diameter of your
VCA6F) in your table where you wish to place the
VCA6F. The center of the VCA6F must be below an
intersection of the grid lines (saw kerfs) on your

Countersink a relief hole in the bottom of your
baseboard for the VCA6F bolt head and washers to fit
into. Depending on the thickness of your baseboard,
the top nut on the VCA6F may come completely
through the baseboard. The VCA6F must be slightly
below the baseboard.
Also, never let the gusset top
cover the VCA6F as it can seal the vacuum hole.
Always have something on top of the VCA6F
(workpiece, piece of board with all edges rounded,

If you use a thick baseboard, you will need to drill a 1/2"
hole through the baseboard that lines up with the
VCA6F. Your hole through the baseboard must be at
the intersection of a saw kerf (DRAWING D). If you
made a mistake and the VCA6F doesn't line up with a
grid line on the top of your baseboard, just cut another
grid line that connects to the existing grid and goes
across the hole.

At this point the Frame Press is ready to use. Use the
rubber snap clamps to hold the frame in place. If you
use mechanical clamps to hold the frame down, you can
have uneven pressure, this will cock the frame and
cause leakage. For those who are going to dedicate the
Frame Press to the table, attach the hinges.

Attaching the Hinges:
The bottom of the hinges have oval slots. The frame
must be able to be squashed down when under vacuum,
thus the bottom screws should be loose. Set the frame
in place on top of the table with hinges hanging down
over the back of the table. When the frame is locked in
place, the gap between the table top and the aluminum
frame should be about 3/16". Put the screws in at the
bottom of the slots, this allows the back of the press to
move down when vacuum is applied.

Warning: Do not attach the hinge at a right angle to
the table top. The frame must be able to compress
the foam, therefore, it must free to float. If the
hinge is on top of the table, the hinge knuckle
keep the foam from compressing and provide a seal

Toggle Clamps:
The toggle clamps are to help create a seal until vacuum
pressure generates enough force to maintain its own
seal. See diagram on page 7 for placement. See
diagram E for installation.

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