Quality vakuum products, inc, Troubleshooting – Q.V.P. VAK-MATIC User Manual
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If the unit does not shut off, it could be the solenoid, the
on/off switch, too high of an input air pressure or the
VAKuum Sensor.
If the unit is unplugged from the wall (the air hose is still
attached) and you can hear air hissing inside the box,
the solenoid is still open. Make sure the air pressure is
under 100psi or it will not close. More than likely it has
dirt in it from the air source. Open the box and locate the
solenoid that is a 1 inch round cylinder. On top of the
cylinder is a nut. Remove the nut and slide the coil off,
keep track of the washers and how they fit. Just below
the nut threads, on the shaft, is a 1/4" length of shaft that
you can apply pliers to and loosen the shaft. Be careful
when you remove the shaft as there are a spring and
plunger inside. Clean the insides, it only takes a small
speck of dirt to keep the solenoid open. Reassemble
the solenoid.
ON/OFF Switch:
If the switch lights up but only works on VAK Bag or just
VAK Klamp, it could be a loose wire. Unplug the unit
from the wall and open the box. Tug on each wire to see
if any are loose. Recrimp if any wire comes out of its
clip. Also, blow out the switch with an air gun. Blow
between the rocker and the black bezel. This may clean
out the contacts. If only one side works after blowing
out the switch (VAK Bag or VAK Klamp), the switch
should be replaced. As a temporary fix you can swap
the leads, to get the function you need, to work. Just
swap the leads from end to end, leave the two center
leads in place.
VAK Sensor:
The sensor has an average life of more than one million
cycles and rarely fails. Sometimes the sensor does not
shut off as it gets to the higher vacuum level or it takes a
tap on the sensor for it to shut off. This may not be the
sensor malfunction. It could be caused by: not enough
air pressure to get it to vacuum level, a small leak in the
system that the VAK Pump cannot overcome at the high
vacuum level or the sensor is set too high.
Check the air pressure while it's operating, make sure
it is 85 to 90 psi. Remove the vacuum hose from the box
and cover the barb. Turn the switch on to VAK Bag and
if it gets to vacuum level and shuts off, the sensor is OK.
The problem is probably a leak in the bag. If it does not
shut off, turn the sensor counter clockwise to reduce the
shut off point. If it shuts off, the sensor is OK.
Pump cycles on and off rapidly and the time between
cycles does not decrease after the first few minutes.
Check to see if sawdust is in the line. The box must be
opened (unplug first) and the 1/2" I.D. line which
contains a check valve (1/2” long black piece) may have
a chip in the check valve. Remove the hose and blow in
from the black end, if air flows it is stuck or broken. If
OK, replace and be sure the end with a small red plastic
piece is facing towards the bag.
Important - To remove the line from the VAKuum
sensor you may have to cut it off. Trying to pull it off the
sensor may cause the barb to snap.
If you are using a small amount of steel wool as a filter in
the VAKuum line (outside the box), it could be blocked
with sawdust and chips. This will cause cycling.
Remove the steel wool and sawdust and replace the
steel wool. Do not pack the steel wool densely.
Check the bag at the VAKuum Connector Assembly. If
the VCA is not covered by the workpiece, the bag is
being sucked into the opening and blocking the vacuum
line before the bag is fully evacuated. Cover the
opening with a piece of stock (3“x3”x1/4” round over
edges) to eliminate this problem.
If you have an ALL-in-ONE System, check the valve in
the back. For veneering, the valve should be off. For
clamping with jigs, it should be open.
For regular VM's or if you have a VM10/15FS, you will
have check valve inside the box. Open the box and
remove the hose with the check valve and check if
operating properly as instructions above..
01/11/2006r2 - VAK-Matic Instructions.cdr