Lexibook CG1400 User Manual
Page 29

2. Place the King on C1 and press the square.
3. The computer will remind you to move the Castle by illuminating the
corresponding square. Press A1 and pick up the Castle.
4. The computer will illuminate the coordinates of D1. Place the Castle on
D1 and press the square.
The computer automatically promotes pawns.
1. Press the square of the pawn you want to promote and pick up the piece.
2. Look for a Queen of the right colour among the captured chessmen (if
there is no Queen of the right colour available, you can use a Castle and
place it on the board upside down). Press the square you want the Queen
on and place the piece on this square.
The computer assumes that you will always choose a Queen when you promote
your pawns. If you want to promote your pawn to a Castle, a Bishop or a Knight,
you can do so by changing their positions (see paragraph XIX). The computer
itself will always promote its pawn to a Queen.
If you try to make an illegal or impossible move, you will hear an error signal
indicating that your move is not allowed and that the computer hasn’t counted it.
If you try to make an illegal move or try to move one of your opponent’s pieces,
you will simply hear the error signal. You can then continue to play and make
another move instead.
If you hear the error signal, and the computer shows you a square by illuminating
it’s coordinates, you must press the square indicated before continuing the game.
When the computer announces check, you will hear a victorious ‘beep’ and the
‘CHECK’ light will illuminate.
In case of checkmate, the computer will play a little tune and illuminate the