Lexibook CG1400 User Manual
Page 27

To make a move:
1. Press lightly on the square of the piece you want to move. The easiest
way is to tilt the piece slightly and press its edge lightly on the centre
of the square. You can also press on the square with your finger. You
will hear a specific jingle and two lights will be illuminated. These two
lights indicate the row and column (rank and file) of the square you are
moving from.
2. Place the piece on the square you want to move it to and press lightly
on the centre of the square. You will hear another beep indicating that
the computer has recognised your move and that it is thinking about its
N. B.: A light pressure is enough as long as you press in the centre of the
square. If you press too hard on the squares, you risk long-term damage to the
At the beginning of the game, the computer will immediately indicate its move
using the opening library of 20 different moves. Later on in the game, the green
light at the top left (row 8’s light) will flash indicating that it’s Black’s move and
that the computer is thinking.
When the computer makes its move, it will play a specific tune.
1. Two green lights will illuminate indicating the row and column of the
square whose piece the computer wants to move. Press lightly on this
square and take the piece.
2. Next, the lights show the coordinates of the square the piece is moving
to. Place the piece on this square by pressing lightly. The light will
illuminate again showing that it’s now your turn.