Bray 19 Series User Manual

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Installation and Maintenance Manual

Series 19 - Segmented Ball Valves

Date: Feb 2013 / Page 4 of 19

Installation and Maintenance Manual

Series 19 - Segmented Ball Valves

Date: Feb 2013 / Page 5 of 19



A Subsidiary of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.

A Subsidiary of BRAY INTERNATIONAL, Inc.


Tel: 832.912.2300

© 2012 Flow-Tek, Inc.

8323 N. Eldridge Pkwy #100

Fax: 832.912.2301

Houston, Texas 77041


Tel: 832.912.2300

© 2012 Flow-Tek, Inc.

8323 N. Eldridge Pkwy #100

Fax: 832.912.2301

Houston, Texas 77041


Indicates that minor personal injury and/or

serious damage to property can occur if the appropriate
precautions are not taken.


Indicates and provides additional technical

information which may not be obvious, even to qualified

Compliance with other notes, which may not be particularly
emphasized, with regard to transport, assembly, operation
and maintenance and with regard to technical documentation
(e.g. in the operating instructions, product documentation,
or on the product itself) is essential, in order to avoid faults,
which can directly or indirectly cause severe personal injury
or property damage.

2.5 - Protective clothing

Flow-Tek products are often used in critical applications (e.g.
under extremely high pressures with dangerous, toxic or
corrosive mediums). When performing service, inspection,
or repair operations, always ensure that the valve and the
actuator are depressurized and that the valve has been
cleaned, and that it is free of harmful substances. In such
cases, pay particular attention to personal protection (e.g.
protective clothing, gloves, glasses, etc.).

2.6 - Qualified personnel

Qualified personnel are people who on account of their
education, experience, training, and knowledge of relevant
standards, specifications, accident prevention, and operating
conditions have been authorized by those responsible for
the safety of the plant to perform the necessary work, and
recognize and avoid possible dangers.

2.7 - Spare Parts

Use only Flow-Tek original spare parts. Flow-Tek cannot
accept responsibility for any damages that occur from using
spare parts or fastening materials from other manufacturers.
If Flow-Tek products (especially sealing materials) have been
on store for long periods of time, check them for corrosion
or deterioration before putting them into use.

2.8 - Service / Repair

To avoid possible injury to personnel or damage to products,
safety terms must be strictly adhered to. Modifying this
product, substituting non-factory parts, or using maintenance
procedures other than those outlined in these Installation,
Operation and Maintenance Instructions could drastically
affect performance, be hazardous to personnel and
equipment, and may void existing warranties. Apart from
the operating instructions and the obligatory accident
prevention directives valid in the country of use, all recognized
regulations for safety and good engineering practices must
be followed.


Before products are returned to Flow-Tek for

repair or service, Flow-Tek must be provided with a certificate
that confirms that the product has been decontaminated
and is clean.

2.9 - Storage

Flow-Tek products are well protected from corrosion.
Nevertheless, Flow-Tek products must be stored adequately
in a clean, dry, environment. Plastic caps are fitted to protect
the flange faces and prevent the ingress of foreign materials.
These caps should not be removed until the valve is actually
mounted into the system.


While unpacking the valve, check the packing list against the
materials received. Lists describing the valve and accessories
are included in each shipping container.

When lifting the valve from shipping container, use straps
through valve body. Take care to position lifting straps to
avoid damage to the tubing and mounted accessories.


Never lift the valve or valve package by the

actuator, positioner, limit switch or their piping. When lifting
a valve be aware that the center of gravity may be above
the lifting point. Therefore, support must be given to prevent
the valve from rotating. Failure to do so can cause serious
injury to personnel and damage to the valve and nearby

Contact your shipper immediately if there is shipping damage.

Should any problem arise, call your Flow-Tek representative.


Before installation check the order number, serial

number, and/or the tag number to ensure that the valve
and actuator being installed are correct for the intended


Do not insulate extensions that are provided for

hot or cold services.


Before installing the valve, clean the pipeline of all
contamination, carbon deposits, welding chips, and other
foreign material. Carefully clean gasket surfaces to ensure
a tight seal. Pipelines must be correctly aligned to ensure
that the valve is not fitted under tension.

Fire protection must be provided by the user.

Check the direction of fluid flow to ensure that the valve is
correctly installed. Flow direction is indicated by the arrow
on the body.


To avoid serious injury, keep hands, hair,

clothing, etc. away from the segment and seat when the
valve is working.

For valves with pneumatic actuator & accessories:

Connect the air supply and instrument signal lines. Throttling
control valves are equipped with a valve positioner.
Connections are marked for the air supply and the instrument
signal. Check that the actuator and positioner can withstand
the maximum air supply from the network. The required air
supply is indicated on a sticker located on the actuator. An
air regulator will be necessary in certain cases in order to
limit the supply pressure. Air filter is recommended unless
the air supplied is exceptionally clean and dry (air quality
without humidity, oil, or dust as per IEC 770 and ISA-
7.0.01). All connections must be completely tight.


On valves equipped with air filters, the air filter

must point down to perform properly.

For Electrical actuators:

Refer to Installation & maintenance manual of supplied
electric actuator.

Use the bolts indicated in Table 1 on page 6 for installing the
valve in the pipeline, and then tighten alternately according
to good practice. The user must in all cases confirm the
capacity of the bolts to ensure a sufficiently tight gasket seal
for the expected service conditions.

Be sure to provide proper overhead clearance for the actuator
to allow for disassembly of the actuator from the valve
body. Refer to the appropriate general assembly drawing
for proper clearances.


Before commissioning, check the control valve by following
these steps.

Check for full stroke by varying the instrument signal settings
appropriately. Observe the segment position indicator located
on the actuator or the positioner. The segment should change
position with a smooth turning movement.

Check all air connections for leaks. Tighten or replace any
leaking lines.

Check packing box bolting for proper tightness.


Do not over tighten packing. This can cause

excessive packing wear and high stem friction that may
impede stem movement. After the valve has been in service
for a short period, recheck the packing-box nuts. If the packing
box leaks, tighten the nuts just enough to stop the leak.

Make sure the valve fails in the correct direction in case
of air failure. This is done by positioning the valve at mid
stroke and turning off the air supply and observing the failure
direction. If the action is incorrect, see the section “Reversing
the Air-action” in the instructions of the installation, operation
and maintenance manual of the appropriate actuator.