B&K Precision 1823A - Manual User Manual

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1-1. Introduction

This reciprocal UNIVERSAL COUNTER series are microprocessor controlled
instruments for frequency measurements at high resolutions within a short period
of time. The 7 digit display with one second gate time is due to uniquely
developed LSI as well as the expanding/reciprocal systems. It covers a
frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 2.4 GHz based on 10 MHz time base T.C.O
(temperature controlled oscillator) and also featuring,

 Trigger Function
 Time Interval Measurement Function
 Frequency Ratio Measurement Function
 Common or Separate Input Selection
 External Frequency Standard Input with 9 Digits LED Display
 Attenuator
 Check
 Period
 Total
 Low Pass Filter
 Line Filter

A self-test mode is also provided for a quick check of several facets of operation.
Each operating mode can be selected by front panel push button switches with
automatic decimal points and indicators. The high accuracy, sensitivity and
versatility of this counter makes it an extremely valuable instrument to scientists,
engineers, experimenters and communications technicians. Light weight and
compact size make it practical for use by the hobbyist or field technicians.