B&K Precision 600 - Manual User Manual

Page 5

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Follow the steps as outlined below :

2.2.1 Connection Procedure Connect Battery Capacity
Analyser (600) to Battery UnderTest(BUT). Connect the
+ve terminal of 600 to +ve terminal of Battery. Connect-ve
terminal of 600 to –ve terminal of Battery. The 600 will be
powered with the BUT. On Power up, 600 performs a self
test by turning on the 7 segments, LEDs one after another
& finally flashing the version number.

Caution: Do not connect the +ve terminal of 600 to _ve
terminal of BUT and _ve terminal fo 600 to +ve terminal of
BUT. On doing so, the ‘Reverse Polarity’ LED glows as

2.2.2 Selecting AH Capacity

Press the 'AH Range' key. The select LED glows as

The display will show the last selected/stored AH value.
(Power ON default value is 7 AH)

To change the value to say 100 AH press the key again.
Display shows new value. Keep on pressing till the
desired AH is obtained.

To Lock the AH capacity, either press any key OTHER
than the AH Range key OR wait for about 10 seconds.
Your selected AH value

will automatically get lockedLocking is indicated by the
glowing of 'Locked' LED.