Specifications, Warranty – B&K Precision 2532B - Datasheet User Manual

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Digital Storage Oscilloscopes

Models 2530B and 2532B



M ode l



Pe rformance Characteris tics


25 MHz

40 MHz

Real Time Sampling Rate

Single Channel: 500 MSa/s

Dual Channel: 250 MSa/s (for timebase faster

than 250 ns/div)



Rise time

<14 ns

<8.8 ns

Record Length

32,000 points when time base is 50 ns or 25 ns at maximum data

depth (16,000 points for 50 s - 100 ns time base), 16,000 points

for dual channel operation

Vertical Resolution

8 bit

Vertical Sensitivity

2 mV/div -10 V/div(1-2-5 order)

DC Gain Accuracy

<±3.0%: 10 mV/div to 10 V/div in Fixed Gain Ranges

<±4.0%: 2 mV/div ,5 mV/div and Variable Gain Ranges

Maximum input voltage

400 V (DC+AC pk-pk, 1 MΩ input impedance, X10), CAT I

Position Range

2 mV–100 mV: ±2 V

102 mV - 5 V: ±40 V

Horizontal Scan Range

25 ns/DIV - 50 s/DIV

Scan mode: 100 ms/DIV - 50 s/DIV

(1 - 2.5 - 5 sequence)

10 ns/DIV - 50 s/DIV

Scan mode: 100 ms/DIV -

50 s/DIV (1 - 2.5 - 5


Timebase Accuracy

±100 ppm measured over 1ms interval

Input Coupling


Input Impedance

1 MΩ±2% || 16 pF±3 pF

Vertical and Horizontal Zoom

Vertically or horizontally expand or compress a live or

stopped waveform

I/O interface

USB host port on front panel supports USB flash drives

RS-232 and USB device port for connection to PC

Pass/Fail output

A cquis ition Mode s


Display sample data only

Peak Detect

Capture the maximum and minimum values of a signal


Waveform averaged, selectable from 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256

Scan Mode

For time base settings 0.1 s/div - 50 s/div

T rigger System

Trigger Types

Edge, Pulse Width, Video*, Slope, Alternating

*Support signal Formats: PAL/SECAM, NTSC

Trigger condition : odd field, even field, all lines, or line number

Trigger Modes

Auto, Normal, Single

Trigger Coupling

AC, DC, LF reject, HF reject

Trigger Source

CH1, CH2, EXT, EXT/5, AC Line

Pulse Width Trigger

Trigger Modes: (>,<,=) Positive Pulse Width,

(>,<,=) Negative Pulse Width

Slope Trigger

(>,<,=) Positive slope, (>,<,=) Negative slope

Time: 20 ns -10 s

H ardware Freque ncy Counte r

Reading Resolution

6 Bytes




DC Couple, 10 Hz to 25 MHz

Signal Types

All trigger signals (except pulse width trigger

and video trigger)

Wave form Math and Me as ure

Math operation

Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, FFT


Window mode: Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Rectangular

Sampling points: 1024


Amplitude, Average, Base, Burst Width, Cyclic RMS,

+ Duty Cycle, - Duty Cycle, Fall Time, Frequency, Max, Mean,

Min, Rise Overshoot, Fall Overshoot, Rise Preshoot, Fall

Preshoot, Peak-Peak, Period, Phase, Rise Time, RMS, Top, +

Width, - Width, plus 8 advanced parameters for edge to edge

timing measurements

D isplay Syste m


5.7 in. Color TFT, 320 x 240 resolution, 64K color

Display Contrast (Typical state)


Backlight Intensity (Typical state)

300 cd/m


Display Area

8 x 12 div

Display Mode

Dots, Vector


Off, 1 sec, 2 sec, 5 sec, Infinite

Menu Display Timer

2 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, 20 sec, Infinite


Off, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min,

1 hour, 2 hour, 5 hour

Waveform interpolation

Sin(x)/x, Linear

Display Color Mode

Normal , Invert

Power Requirements

100-240 VAC, CAT II, 50 VA max, 45 Hz to 440 Hz

E nvironment


Operating: 50° F to 104 °F (10 °C to 40 °C)

Not operating: -4 °F to 140 °F (-20 °C to 60 °C)


Operating: 85% RH, 104 °F (40 °C)

Not operating: 85% RH, 149 °F (65 °C)


Operating: 9,842 ft (3,000 m)

Not operating: 50,085 ft (15,266 m)

G eneral

Dimension (WxHxD)

12 x 6.3 x 5.2 inches (305 x 160 x 133 mm)


5 lbs. (2.3 kg)



One Year


Three Years

Included accessories: User Manual, 10:1 Probe Set (2 pieces), Power Cord, USB Interface Cable,

EasyScope Software Installation Disk

This manual is related to the following products: