Dlm 4000 series, Specification – Atec Yokogawa-DLM4000 User Manual
Page 6
DLM 4000 Series
*1 Measured under standard operating conditions after a 30-minute warm-up followed by calibration.
Standard operating conditions:
Ambient temperature: 23˚C ±5˚C
Ambient humidity: 55 ±10% RH
Error in supply voltage and frequency: Within 1% of rating
*2 Value in the case of repetitive phenomenon. The frequency bandwidth of a single-shot phenomenon is the smaller of the
two values, DC to sampling frequency/2.5 or the frequency bandwidth of the repetitive phenomenon.
*3. When the input section is shorted, the acquisition mode is set to Normal, accumulation is OFF, and the probe attenuation
is set to 1:1.
Basic Specifications
Analog Signal input
Input channels
CH1 to CH8
(CH1 to CH7 when using logic input)
Input coupling setting
Input impedance
1 MΩ ±1.0%, approximately 20 pF
50 Ω ±1.0% (VSWR 1.4 or less, DC to 500MHz)
Voltage axis sensitivity
1 MΩ
2 mV/div to 10 V/div (steps of 1-2-5)
setting range
50 Ω
2 mV/div to 500 mV/div (steps of 1-2-5)
Max. input voltage
1 MΩ
150 Vrms
50 Ω
Must not exceed 5 Vrms or 10 Vpeak
Max. DC offset
1 MΩ
±1V (2 mV/div to 50 mV/div)
setting range
±10V (100 mV/div to 500 mV/div)
±100V (1 V/div to 10 V/div)
50 Ω
±1V (2 mV/div to 50 mV/div)
±5V (100 mV/div to 500 mV/div)
DC accuracy*
±(1.5% of 8 div + offset voltage accuracy)
Offset voltage accuracy*
2 mV to 50mV/div
±(1% of setting +0.2 mV)
100 mV to 500 mV/div ±(1% of setting + 2 mV)
1 V to 10 V/div
±(1% of setting + 20 mV)
Frequency characteristics (-3 dB attenuation when inputting a sinewave of amplitude ±3div)*
1 MΩ(when using passive probe)
100 mV to 100 V/div DC to 350 MHz DC to 500 MHz
20 mV to 50 mV/div DC to 300 MHz DC to 400 MHz
50 Ω
10 mV to 500 mV/div DC to 350 MHz DC to 500 MHz
2 mV to 5 mV/div
DC to 300 MHz DC to 400 MHz
Isolation between channels
-34 dB@ analog bandwidth (typical value)
Residual noise level*
The larger of 0.4 mV rms or 0.05 div rms
(typical value)
A/D resolution
8bit (25LSB/div)
Max. 12 bit (in High Resolution mode)
Bandwidth limit
FULL, 200 MHz, 100MHz, 20 MHz, 10 MHz,
5 MHz, 2 MHz, 1 MHz, 500 kHz, 250 kHz,
125 kHz, 62.5 kHz, 32 kHz, 16 kHz, 8 kHz
(can be set for each channel)
Maximum sample rate
Real time sampling mode Interleave OFF
1.25 GS/s
Interleave ON
2.5 GS/s
Repetitive sampling mode
125 GS/s
Maximum record length
Repeat / Single / Single Interleave
1.25 M / 6.25 M / 12.5 MPoints
6.25 M / 25 M / 62.5 MPoints
12.5 M / 62.5 M / 125 MPoints
Ch-to-Ch deskew
±100 ns
Time axis setting range
1 ns/div to 500 s/div (steps of 1-2-5)
Time base accuracy*
Logic Signal Input
Number of inputs
8 bit (excl. 8 ch input and logic input)
24bit (16bit when 8 ch is used)
Maximum toggle frequency*
Model 701988: 100 MHz
Model 701989: 250 MHz
Compatible probes
701988, 701989 (8 bit input)
(701980, 701981 are available)
Min. input voltage
701988: 500 mVp-p
701989: 300 mVp-p
Input range
Model 701988: ±40 V
Model 701989: threshold ±6V
Max. nondestructive input voltage
±40 V (DC + ACpeak) or 28 Vrms (when using
Threshold level setting range
Model 701988: ±40 V (setting resolution of 0.05 V)
Model 701989: ±6 V (setting resolution of 0.05 V)
Input impedance
701988: Approx. 1 MΩ/approx. 10 pF
701989: Approx. 100 kΩ/approx. 3 pF
Maximum sampling rate
1.25 GS/s
Maximum record length
Repeat / Single
1.25 M / 6.25 MPoints
6.25 M / 25 MPoints
12.5 M / 62.5 MPoints
Trigger modes
Auto, Auto Level, Normal, Single, N-Single
Trigger type, trigger source A triggers
CH1 to CH8, Logic, EXT, LINE
Edge OR
CH1 to CH8
Edge Qualified CH1 to CH8, Logic, EXT
CH1 to CH8, Logic
Pulse width CH1 to CH8, Logic, EXT
State width CH1 to CH8, Logic
CH1 to CH8
Serial Bus
C (optional) CH1 to CH8, Logic
SPI (optional) CH1 to CH8, Logic
UART (optional)CH1 to CH8, Logic
FlexRay (optional)CH1 to CH8
CAN (optional) CH1 to CH8
LIN (optional) CH1 to CH8
User defined CH1 to CH8
AB triggers
A Delay B
10 ns to 10 s (Edge, Edge
Qualified, State, Serial Bus)
A to B(N)
1 to 10
(Edge, Edge Qualified,
State, Serial Bus)
Dual Bus
Serial bus only
Force trigger
Force a trigger manually
Trigger level setting range CH1 to CH8
±4 div from center of screen
Trigger level setting resolution CH1 to CH8
0.01 div (TV trigger: 0.1 div)
Trigger level accuracy*
CH1 to CH8
±(0.2 div + 10% of trigger level)
Window Comparator
Center/Width can be set on individual Channels
from CH1 to CH8
12.1-inch TFT color liquid crystal display
1024 × 768 (XGA)
Waveform acquisition modes
Normal, Envelope, Average
High Resolution mode
Max. 12 bit (the resolution of the A/D converter
can be improved equivalently by placing a
bandwidth limit on the input signal.)
Sampling modes
Real time, interpolation, repetitive sampling
Select OFF, Intensity (waveform frequency by
brightness), or Color (waveform frequency by
Accumulation time
100 ms to 100 s, Infinite
Roll mode
Enabled at 100 ms/div to 500 s/div (depending on
the record length setting)
Zoom function
Two zooming windows can be set independently
(Zoom1, Zoom2)
Zoom factor
×2 to 2.5 points/10div (in zoom area)
Auto Scroll
Search functions
Edge, Edge Qualified, State, Pulse Width, State
C (option), SPI (option), UART (option),
CAN (option), LIN (option), FlexRay (option)
History memory
Max. data
2,500 (record length 1.25 kPoints, with standard)
10,000 (record length 1.25 kPoints, with /M1 option)
20,000 (record length 1.25 kPoints, with /M2 option)
History search
Select Rect, WAVE, Polygon, or Parameter mode
Replay function
Automatically displays the history waveforms
Specified or average waveforms
∆T, ∆V, ∆T & ∆V, Marker, Degree
Currently displayed waveform can be retained on screen
Computation & Analysis Functions
Parameter measurement
Max, Min, P-P, High, Low, Amplitude, Rms, Mean,
Sdev, IntegTY+, IntegTY, +Over, -Over, Pulse
Count, Edge Count, V1, V2, ∆T, Freq, Period, Avg
Freq, Avg Period, Burst, Rise, Fall, +Width, -Width,
Duty, Delay
Statistical computation of parameters
Min, Max, Ave, Cnt, Sdev
Statistics modes
Continuous, Cycle, History
Trend/Histogram display of wave parameters
Up to 2 trend or histgram display of specied wave
Computations (MATH)
+, -, ×, Filter (Delay, Moving Avg, IIR Lowpass, IIR
Highpass), Integ, Count / Rotaly count, user defined
math (optional)
Computable no. of traces
4 (Math1, to Math4)
Max. computable memory length
Standard model: 6.25 MPoints,
/M1 memory expansion option: 25 MPoints,
/M2 memory expansion option: 62.5 MPoints
Reference function
Up to 4 traces (REF1/to REF4) of saved
waveform data can be displayed and analyzed
Action ON trigger
All Condition, Zone, Param, Rect, Polygon
Buzzer, Print, Save, Mail, Go/Nogo out
Displays XY1, to XY4 and T-Y simultaneously
Number of points: 1.25k, 12.5k, 125k, 250k
Window functions: Rectangular, Hanning, Flat-Top
FFT Types: PS (LS, RS, PSD, CS, TF, CH are
available with /G2 or /G4 option)
Displays a histogram of acquired waveforms
User-defined math
The following operators can be arbitrarily
(/G2 option)
combined in equations:
+, -, ×, /, SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN,
DELAY, P2 (power of 2), PH, DA, MEAN, HLBT,
The maximum record length that can be
computed is as well as standard math functions
Power supply analysis (/G4 option)
Power analysis
For Pwr1 and Pwr2, selectable from 4 analysis types
Deskweing between the voltage and current
waveforms can be executed automatically.
Switching loss
Total loss / switching loss, power waveform display,
Automatic measurement and statistical analysis of
power analysis items (Wp, Wp+, Wp-, Abs.Wp, P, P+,
P-, Abs.P, Z)
Safety operation area SOA analysis by X-Y display, using voltage as X axis,
and current as Y axis is possible
Harmonic analysis
Basic comparison is possible with following standard
Harmonic emission standard IEC61000-3-2 edition
2.2, EN61000-3-2(2000), IEC61000-4-7 edition 2
Joule integral
Joule integral (I2t) waveform display,
automatic measurement and statistical analysis is
Power Measurement
Automated measurement of power parameters for
up to four pairs of voltage and current waveforms
Values can be statistically processed and calculated
Urms, Unm, Udc, Urmn, Uac, U+pk, U-pk, Up-p
Irms, Imn, Idc, Irmn, Iac, I+pk, I-pk, Ip-p
P, S, Q, Z, λ, Wp, Wp+, Wp-, Abs.Wp, q, q+, q-,
C Bus Signal Analysis Functions (/F2 & /F3 Options)
Applicable bus
C bus
Bus transfer rate: 3.4 Mbit/s max.
Address mode: 7 bit/10 bit
SM bus
Complies with System Management Bus
C Trigger modes
Every Start, Address & Data, Non-Ack, General
Call, Start Byte, HS Mode
Analyzable signals
All analog, logic and Math channels
Analysis results displays
Analysis no., time from trigger position (Time
(ms)),1st byte address, 2nd byte address, R/W,
Data, Presence/absence of ACK, information
Auto setup function
Auto setting of threshold value, time axis scale,
voltage axis scale, and display of analysis results
Analyzable no. of data
300,000 bytes max.
Search function
Searches data that matches specified address
pattern, data pattern, and acknowledge bit
Analysis results save function
Analysis list data can be saved to CSV-format files
SPI Bus Signal Analysis Functions (/F2 & /F3 Options)
Trigger types
3 wire/4 wire
After assertion of CS, compares data after
arbitrary byte count and triggers.
Analyzable signals
All analog, logic and Math channels
Analysis results displays
Analysis no., time from trigger position (Time
(ms)),1st byte address, 2nd byte address, R/W,
Data, Presence/absence of ACK, information
Byte order
Auto setup function
Auto setting of threshold value, time axis scale,
voltage axis scale, and display of analysis results
Analyzable no. of data
300,000 bytes max.
Decode bit length
Specify data interval (1 to 32 bits), decode start
point, and data length
Analysis results displays
Analysis no., time from trigger position (Time
(ms)), Data 1, Data 2
Auxiliary analysis functions
Data search function
Analysis result save function
Analysis list data can be saved to CSV-format files
UART Bus Signal Analysis Functions (/F1 & /F3 Options)
Bit rate
1200 bps, 2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps,19200 bps,
user defined (an arbitrary bit rate from 1 k to 10 Mbps
with resolution of 100 bps)
Data format
Select a data format from the following 8 bit (Non
Parity) / 7 bit Data + Parity / 8 bit + Parity
UART Trigger modes
Every Data, Data, Error (Framing, Parity)
Analyzable signals
All analog, logic and Math channels
Auto setup function
Auto setting of bit rate, threshold value, time axis
scale, voltage axis scale, and display of analysis
Analyzable no. of frames
300,000 frames max.
Analysis results displays
Analysis no., time from trigger position (Time(ms)),
Data (Bin, Hex) display, ASCII display, and
Auxiliary analysis functions
Data search
Analysis result save function
Analysis list data can be saved to CSV-format files
CAN Bus Signal Analysis Functions (/F4 & /F6 Options)
Applicable bus
CAN version 2.0A/B, Hi-Speed CAN (ISO11898),
Low-Speed CAN (ISO11519-2)
Analyzable signals
All analog and Math channels
Bit rate
1 Mbps/500 kbps/250 kbps/125 kbps/83.3 kbps/
33.3 kbps
User defined ( an arbitrary bit rate from 10 kbps to
1 Mbps with resolution of 100 bps)
CAN bus Trigger modes
SOF, ID/DATA, ID OR, Error(enabled when loading
physical values/symbol definitions)
Auto setup function
Auto setting of bit rate, threshold value, time axis
scale, voltage axis scale, and display of analysis
Analyzable no. of frames
100,000 frames max.
Analysis results displays
Analysis no., time from trigger position (Time
(ms)), Frame type, ID, DLC, Data, CRC,
presence/absence of Ack, information
Auxiliary analysis functions
Data search and field jump functions
Analysis result save function
Analysis list data can be saved to CSV-format files
LIN Bus Signal Analysis Functions (/F4 & /F6 Options)
Applicable bus
LIN Rev. 1.3, 2.0, 2.1
Analyzable signals
All analog and Math channels
Bit rate
19.2 kbps, 9.6 kbps, 4.8 kbps, 2.4 kbps, 1.2 kbps
User defined (an arbitrary bit rate from 1 kbps to
20 kbps with resolution of 10 bps)
LIN bus Trigger modes
Break Synch, ID/DATA, ID OR, and ERROR
Auto setup function
Auto setting of bit rate, threshold value, time axis
scale, voltage axis scale, and display of analysis
Analyzable no. of frames
100, 000 frames max.
Analysis results displays
Analysis no., time from trigger position (Time (ms)),
ID, ID-Field, Data, CheckSum, information
Auxiliary analysis functions
Data search and field jump functions
Analysis result save function
Analysis list data can be saved to CSV-format files
FlexRay Bus Signal Analysis Functions (/F5 & /F6 Options)
Applicable bus
FlexRay Protocol Version2.1
Analyzable signals
All analog and Math channels
Bit rate
10Mbps, 5Mbps, 2.5Mbps
FlexRay bus Trigger modes
Frame Start, Error, ID/Data, ID OR
Auto setup function
Auto setting of bit rate, threshold value, time axis
scale,voltage axis scale, and display of analysis
Analyzable no. of frames
Analysis results displays
Analysis no., time from trigger position (Time(ms)),
Segment (Static or Dynamic),Indicator, FrameID,
PayLoad length, Cycle count, Data, Information
Auxiliary analysis function
Data search
Analysis result save function
Analysis list data can be saved to CSV-format files
GP-IB (/C1 Option)
Electromechanical specifications
Conforms to IEEE std. 488-1978 (JIS C 1901-1987)
Conforms to IEEE std. 488.2-1992
Auxiliary Input
Rear panel I/O signal
External trigger input, external trigger output,
GO-NOGO output, video output
Probe interface terminal (front panel)
8 terminals
Probe power terminal (side panel)
8 terminals (/P8 option)
Internal Storage
Standard model: Approx. 1.8 GB
/C8 option: Approx. 7.2 GB
Built-in Printer (/B5 Option)
Built-in printer
112 mm wide, monochrome, thermal
USB Peripheral Connection Terminal
USB type A connector × 2 (front panel)
Electromechanical specifications
USB 2.0 compliant
Supported transfer standards
Low Speed, Full Speed, High Speed
Supported devices
USB Mass Storage Class Ver. 1.1 compliant mass
storage devices
USB HID Class Ver.1.1 compliant mouse,
USB-PC Connection Terminal
USB type B connector × 1
Electromechanical specifications
USB 2.0 compliant
Supported transfer standards
High Speed, Full Speed
Supported class
USBTMC-USB488 (USB Test and Measurement
Class Ver. 1.0)
RJ-45 connector × 1
Transmission methods
Ethernet (1000BASE-T/100BASE-TX/10BASE-T)
Supported services
Server: FTP, VXI-11, HTTP
General Specifications
Rated supply voltage
100 to 240 VAC
Rated supply frequency
50 Hz/60 Hz
Maximum power consumption
250 VA (when printer is used)
External dimensions
426 (W) × 266 (H) × 178 (D) mm (when printer
cover is closed, excluding protrusions)
Approx. 6.6kg
With no options
Operating temperature range
5 ˚C to 40 ˚C
External Dimensions
Unit: mm
Frequency bandwidth
Input channels
350 MHz
500 MHz
(standard) 8 analog channels or 7 analog channels + 8bit logic
(/L16 option)
8 analog channels + 16bit logic or
7 analog channels + 24bit logic
Product Introduction
Functions & Featur
Options &
ability & Softw