Options and accessories to complete the solution, Power supply analysis function (/g4), User-defined math (/g2) – Atec Yokogawa-DLM4000 User Manual

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Auto Setup!








150 MHz bandwidth


Input pulse


Computed waveform

(F-V conversion)

F-V conversion of frequency pulse (/G2 option)


1.0GHz bandwidth

1 M

Ω, approx 1.1pF

PBC100(701928) / PBC050(701929)

DC to 100 MHz / DC to 50 MHz

30 Arms


Deskew correction

signal source





Device #1

Device #2



Node 1

Node n

Power supply analysis function (/G4)

Real-time Low-Pass Filter, Add, Subtract, & Multiply Waveforms,

Integral, Pulse Count, Rotary-Count of Encoder A/B Signal,

XY Display, Power Spectrum

The PBDH1000 differential probe features high

input-resistance, wide bandwidth, and a wide

input-voltage range. The PBDH1000 is perfect for

measuring the noise or surge voltage of in-vehicle

high-speed serial bus waveforms, including CAN

and FlexRay.

A generous assortment of probe tip accessories

assures flexible probing options.

Analyzing High-speed Differential Signals

−PBDH1000 Differential Probe−

Logic signals are not always fast. In some cases,

high input resistance is important. Yokogawa

offers two types of logic probes, PBL100 (100

MHz, 1 M

Ω), which has mimimal loading, and

the PBL250 (250 MHz, 100 k

Ω), ideal for probing

high-speed logic waveforms.

Probing Fast & Slow Logic Signals

−PBL100 & PBL250 Logic Probe−

The 701946 is an ultra-compact passive probe for

measuring high-speed waveforms on ICs and in

high-density circuitry.

Various accessories maximise safety and


High-density IC and PCB Probing

−701946 Miniature passive probe−

Intelligent serial-bus auto-setup feature enables

quick and easy setup. The bit-rate and voltage

thresholds are set automatically.

Serial-Bus Auto-Setup Saves Time

Serial-bus waveforms are processed in realtime

by a dedicated processor. Decoded serial-bus

data is displayed alongside the bus waveform in

a user-selected format (Binary, HEX, or ASCII).

Symbol display based on a user-defined symbol

library is also easily setup.

Hardware-based Decoding

Many systems contain multiple serial buses. The

DLM4000 analyzes four different serial-bus types

simultaneously. A combination trigger of two

different serial buses is also possible.

Dual Bus Analysis

Serial bus analysis function (/F1, /F2, /F3, /F4, /F5, /F6)

Triggering and real-time Decoding

Customizable User-Defined Equations

Example of the functions in /G2 option, User Define Math:

Expansion of FFT Calculation

User-defined math performs computation on

input-waveforms and math-channel results;

user-defined math can also use parametric

measurement results within a computation


In addition to power spectrum, advanced FFT functions

such as coherence and transfer function calculations

are available for detailed frequency-domain analysis.

User-Defined Math (/G2)

Power Analysis

Power Measurement

The built-in algorithm fine tunes

Power Loss calculations.

User-specified parameters include

device such as IGBTs and MOSFETs.

Automated measurement of

power parameters such as

active power, apparent

power, power factor etc.

(Calculation of three-phase

power is also possible)

By dividing the long memory into segments,

the SOA (safe operating area) can be

analysed and, peak voltages between

switching cycles can be compared by

overlaying or one-by-one replay.

It is also possible to display a list of

the switching loss of each cycle and

save the results. By clicking a value

in the list, the corresponding

waveform will be directly displayed.

Example: Switching Loss Analysis

The High Voltage Differential Probe range includes

models such as the compact PBDH0150

(1400Vpeak) as well as the 701926 (7kVpeak).

Easy Probing for Floating Signals

−High-Voltage Differential Probe−

The PBC100 and PBC050 high-bandwidth current

probes measure DC to 100MHz and 50MHz at up

to 30Arms. The 701931 is available for higher

currents up to 500Arms. The current probe range

covers a wide range of applications.

Wide Range of Current Measurement

−Current probe−

When measuring very fast switching devices,

probe delay time correction (de-skew) is crucial.

The 701936 signal source and auto de-skew

feature makes de-skewing quick and and simple.

Enables Precise Power Measurement

−Deskew correction signal source−

Examples of Standard Computations:

The DLM4000 features advanced, powerful, and flexible

waveform computation abilities.

An increasing number of mechatronics applications require

measurements on the computational-result of a waveform,

and not on the input waveform itself.

Examples include PWM control signals, pulse-signals from

rotating-shaft applications, vibration-sensor data, and

accelerometer waveforms.

Duty cycle analysis for PWM waveform, F-V conversion, High-pass/Low-pass/Band-pass filtering,

moving average, differential-integral, trigonometric, exponential-logarithm, arithmetic calculation of

multiple channels, DA conversion of logic signals

The DLM4000 offers advanced serial-bus analysis – saving precious development

time of ECUs and Embedded Systems. Eight analog input channels means that

multiple analog, serial-bus, and logic waveforms can be easily and simultaneously

observed whilst preserving their relative timing.

Up to four serial-buses can be analysed at the same time.

Eight analog input channels enables four pairs of voltage and current

measurements, thereby supporting today’s high-speed and sophisticated power

electronics circuit development. Optional analysis functions and accessories

support the comprehensive measurement of power electronic devices.

-Switching Loss

-Safe Operating


-Harmonic Analysis

-Joule Integral

For power device circuit voltage/current measurement



C, SPI, & UART(RS232) … Protocol Analysis

PWM, F-V, FFT, Diff/Integ … For an Increasingly Mechatronic World

Options and Accessories to Complete the Solution

Product Introduction

Functions & Featur


Options &



ability & Softw


