Atec Tektronix-TDS500D-700D Series User Manual

Atec Equipment

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The TDS 500D/TDS 700D Family
of Digital Phosphor
The TDS 500D/700D oscillo-
scopes are the first in the
TDS family of Digital Phos-
phor Oscilloscopes (DPOs)
designed to keep pace with
current and evolving needs in
advanced electronic design
and debug. DPOs deliver a
new level of insight that
makes dealing with complex
signals elementary – a new
level of insight that must be
seen to be believed.
DPOs capture, store, display,
and analyze, in real-time,
three dimensions of signal
information: amplitude, time,
and distribution of amplitude
over time. The benefit of this
new third dimension of infor-
mation is an interpretation of
the signal dynamics, includ-
ing instantaneous changes
and the frequency of occur-
rence displayed in the form
of quantitative intensity

Extensive user interface
design has made the TDS
family of products truly intu-
itive to operate. Each family
member shares a familiar
front panel layout with dedi-
cated vertical, horizontal, and
trigger controls. A graphical
user interface with over 200
icons helps facilitate under-
standing and use of the
advanced features. A color
monitor helps rapidly distin-
guish between multiple
waveforms and measure-
ments. On-line help provides
a convenient built-in refer-
ence manual.

Copyright © 1998 Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved.


2 GHz, 1 GHz, and 500 MHz

Sample Rates to 4 GS/s

DPO Display Density of up to 100M

2 or 4 Channels

1% Vertical Accuracy

8-Bit Vertical Resolution, over 11-Bits
with Averaging, and Over 13-Bits
with Hi-res

1 ns Peak Detect

1 mV to 10 V/div Sensitivity

Up to 1 GHz Differential

Channel Deskew

Record Lengths to 8M Points

Floppy Disk Storage

Iomega Zip

Drive Compatible

Advanced Triggering

29 Automatic Measurements and
Measurement Statistics

FFT and Advanced Math

Histograms on DPO and Normal
Waveform Acquisitions

Histogram Statistics

Limit Test


Time Stamp

Communication Signal Analysis
Including Mask Testing and
SONET/SDH and Fibre Channel
Optical Reference Receivers

Full GPIB Programmability

3 Year Warranty

CE Marking

Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes
TDS 500D and
TDS 700D Series