Atec Tenney-ETCU-16 User Manual
Atec Equipment

ETCU Temperature Humidity Cycling Chambers
The Tenney ETCU Ultimate Series Temperature Humidity Cycling Chamber
features scroll compressor technology that provides quiet operation, fast
transition rates, and reliable operations.
The chambers incorporate a ceiling plenum to diffuse conditioned air vertically
through the chamber. The top to bottom air circulation guarantees stable and
consistent performance over the testing period.
Multiple heating and cooling systems are available, as well as a diverse list of
options that together will create the chamber to accommodate your specific
Tenney ETCU Temperature Humidity Cycling Chambers
• Quiet Operation
• Fast Transition Rates
• High Reliability
Refrigeration System
• Temperature and Humidity Testing
• Versa Tenn V control system
• Automatic Humidity Vent
• IEEE488 Interface
• LinkTenn 32 for Windows® That Permits Your
Computer to Control up to 10 Chambers
• 6-event Relay Board
• Water Demineralizer System
• Circular Recording Instruments
• Alternate Refrigeration and/or Heating Systems for
Faster Temperature Change Rates or Increased
Product Load-Handling Capabilities
• Additional Ports
* Contact TPS for details and availability
All performance data is for 230 or 460 v/60 Hz
operations. Chamber operations utilizing 50 Hz
power utility will derate performance
approximately 17%.