Atec SP-Scientific-ThermoJet-ES User Manual

Thermojet, Precision temperature cycling system, Overview

background image


ThermoJet Environment Simulator is a

precision-controlled temperature forcing

system that delivers an airstream of

up to 20 SCFM to rapidly change the

temperature of a product or Device Under

Test (DUT).
ThermoJet provides temperature

transition speeds unmatched in the

industry, and can sustain air cooling

temperatures of –80°C at 20 SCFM.

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FTS Systems

ThermoJet Highlights

• The only temperature forcing system

that maintains -80°C at 20 SCFM (full

range +350°C to -80°C) to deliver faster


• Our air coolers deliver true extended

low temp testing so your devices

(even large ones) get to lower

temperatures faster and stay there


• DualCool™Cascade refrigeration

system reliably delivers vigorous

temperature cycling, even in a 24/7

operating environment.

• Portable space-saving touchscreen


• Compact footprint (21” x 27”) and

caster-mounted for mobility.

• Cycle from +125°C to -55°C / -55°C to

+125°C in less than 10

save time.

Key Features

Control temperature from - 80°C to +225°C
Flow rate of up to 20 SCFM
±0.5°C temperature stability
Enhanced digital temperature control
Utilizes off-the-shelf refrigerants
Highest heat removal capacity in the industry
Compact footprint smallest on market
CE compliant
Removable touch screen interface



Precision Temperature Cycling System

Improve Test


by 20 - 30%



delivers efficient

electronic control and maximizes
