I nterference simulator system nsg 600 – Atec Teseq-Schaffner-NSG600 User Manual
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I nterference Simulator System
NSG 600
This very versatile system provides for the simulation
of the most varied transient conditions which occur in
AC and DC mains, but also has facilities to permit the
application of transients without supply voltage.
The system consists of a main frame and various plug-
i n units which generate the specific disturbances.
The basic equipment contains:
- Main frame unit with centralized power supply and
control for 1 to 4 plug-in units.
- Microprocessor controlled function keys and LCD
- Connection to the unit under test and pulse output.
- RS 232-C interface for computerized remote con-
The system and plug-in unit functions are pro-
grammed on the control panel and remain stored for
l ater recall when required.
Standard functions are preprogrammed ex works and
may be recalled or modified by use of the front panel
key controls. The LCD display supports the dialogue
with the user when setting the test sequences and
shows the device status continuously.
The power electronics of the various test modules
( mains failures, interference pulse generators etc) are
i ncorporated in the plug-in units. These units are
i nserted from the rear into the main frame and are
automatically connected to the control electronics and
to the connector for the equipment under test. The
plug-in units have facilities to provide connections for
additional devices such as variac, artificial mains,
3-phase extensions etc.
The modular construction of the NSG 600 test system
allows for the assembly of individual test systems.
With further plug-in units and options it promises to
meet most future user requirements for interference
Complete and complex test sequences, according to
various standards, may be run without changing test
generators or without disrupting the power to the
equipment under test.
A serial RS 232-C interface permits control of all sys-
tem functions by means of an external computer. The
computer also allows the dynamic parametering of the
test procedure and the automatic logging of test pro-
cesses and results, including failures of the unit under
The NSG 600 system is also especially suitable for
automatic final tests.
I n critical cases an opto-link option may be used to
ensure undisturbed operation of the computer con-
nected to the remote socket.
By use of a converter remote control is also possible
via a GPIB (IEEE 488) Controller.
Examples of software and test programmes for MS-
DOS are available to help users.
Plug-in units
NSG 603 Simulator for AC/DC mains voltage fluctu-
ations and interruptions.
NSG 622 Simulator for fast interference pulses and
medium energy interference pulses.
Additional types of plug -in units for tests and require-
ments according to various standards (Burst, Mil, etc)
are under development.