Atec Teseq-ProfLine_2100 User Manual
Harmonics and flicker measuring system, Profline 2100 - overview

A d v a n c e d Te s t S o l u t i o n s f o r E M C
ProfLine 2100 is an accurate and fl exible system designed to measure harmonics and fl icker in accor-
dance with IEC 61000-3-2 and IEC 61000-3-3. This is a measuring system only and no AC source is sup-
plied. It can therefore be used with any suitable, clean AC source to measure and record any harmonics
and fl icker created by the EUT. A wide range of AC sources are available from Teseq, please see ProfLine
2103, 2105, 2115, 2130, 2145 datasheets for suitable systems including power sources.
1- or 3-phase
ProfLine 2100 can be supplied as either a 1-phase or 3-phase measuring system and can measure
harmonics and fl icker up to 16 Amps per phase. Measurements are made using precision, no burden,
active hall-effect current transformers connected via a dedicated cable to a multichannel fast Data Acqui-
sition Card (DAQ) fi tted inside a PC. Three current and one voltage measuring channels are dedicated
to each supply phase allowing simultaneous measurement of both current and voltage on all phases.
Calculations are made using dedicated Teseq software (WIN 2100) to determine harmonics (classes A-D),
inter-harmonics, fl icker, dc, dt, dmax, Pst, Plt, inrush current and 24 x dmax.
Measurement of fl icker requires a fi xed, stable source impedance as specifi ed in IEC 61000-3-3 (0.24 Ω
+ j0.15 Ω in the line and 0.16 Ω + j0.1 Ω in the neutral). When supplied as a complete system (see ProfLine
2103, 2105, 2115, 2130 or 2145) which include a precision AC source, the impedance is provided by a
combination of a controlled source impedance and physical impedances supplied as part of the system.
Users of the ProfLine 2100 measurement system must take care to provide the necessary source imped-
ance. Hardware lumped impedances are available from Teseq, see options list.
Single phase version
Three phase version
Complete measurement system
Use existing power sources or