Atec Teseq-Schaffner-Emipak User Manual
Emi pak – emi diagnosis easier than ever before

The earlier EMC precautions are
taken in development the better as
costs for possible redesign can be
kept to a minimum. EMI PAKs from
Rohde&Schwarz help you with the
EMI diagnosis of electronic circuits
and devices during development.
They are complete solutions allowing
the early detection and elimination of
EMI sources.
Depending on the field of applica-
tion, you may choose between four
different packages. EMI PAK S and
EMI PAK L comprise all required
components for measuring conducted
emission in the frequency range from
9 kHz to 30 MHz (including a
CISPR line impedance stabilization
network). The additional broadband
antennas of EMI PAKs M and XL
permit fast measurements of radiated
RFI over an extremely wide frequency
range from 30 MHz to 1 GHz using
one antenna only. This means that no
time is wasted on switching between
different antennas. The BiLog antenna
contained in EMI PAK XL offers a
better antenna factor and thus a
wider dynamic range thanks to the
built-in matching network. The two
magnetic field probes contained in
all the packages make for reliable
and easy detection of critical in-circuit
EMI PAK – EMI diagnosis easier than ever before
For precompliance detection of EMI sources