Atec Sunrise-Telecom-SUNSET-T3 User Manual

Sunset, Specifications

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. . . a step ahead






DS3 Receive/Transmit: BNC
DS3 External Clock Input: Coax SMC, TTL
DS1/E1 Receive/Transmit: Bantam
DS1/E1 External Clock Input: Bantam, AMI, 0 to -30 dB
Serial Port: 8-pin Mini DIN RS232C (V.24), DTE
DC power

Status/Alarm Indicators

DS3: Pulses, Idle, Errors, M13 Frm, C-Bit Frm, AIS, Yel

Alm (X-bit), FEBE

DS2: Frame
DS1: Pulses, B8ZS, Errors, SF, ESF, SLC-96, Yel Alm, AIS
E1: Pulses, HDB3, Errors, PCM-30, PCM-31, CRC det,

Alarm, AIS

General: Pat Sync, Power, Battery

DS3 General

Framing: Unframed, M13, C-bit parity. Conforms to

ANSI T1.102, 107, 107A, 403, and 404. Also Telcordia
TR-TSY-000009 and TR-TSY-000191.

Line Coding: B3ZS
Clock Source: 44.736 MHz, External (


300 ppm, TTL,



1% duty cycle), Internal (


5 ppm), Loop (


300 ppm)

Standard Test Patterns: 1111, 1100, 1010, 2


-1, 2


-1, 2



User Programmed Patterns: 10 programmable 24-bit

patterns with alphanumeric names

Test Pattern Inversion
Error Injection: Logic, BPV, Logic+BPV, C-bit, P-bit

parity, FEBE, Frame, Burst or Rate

Alarm Generation: AIS, Yellow, Idle
Loopbacks: FEAC loopbacks per ANSI T1.401, M13 C-bit

loopback per TR-TSY-000009 (requires SW361)

FEAC transmit/receive per ANSI (requiress SW301)

DS3 Transmitter

Transmit Signal Source: DS3 Test pattern, DS1 Test

pattern broadcast, DS1 AIS broadcast, loop received
DS3 signal

Pulse Shape: Conforms to ITU-T G.703, Telcordia TR-TSY-

000499. High, DSX, Low

DS1 Insert: Insert DS1 on desired channel. Other

channels have DS1 test pattern copies or AIS. DS1
generated internally or from DS1 RX connector

E1 Insert: Insert E1 on desired channel. Other channels

have AIS. E1 generated internally.

DS3 Receiver

Input Impedance: 75

Input Sensitivity

DSX: Up to 26 dB resistive or 6 dB cable loss from DSX
High/low: +6 dB to -26 dB resistive loss

Jitter tolerance: Conforms to Telcordia TR-TSY-000009
Auto Configure to received signal, line coding, & test pattern
T1/E1 Drop: Drop to internal receiver or drop to DS1 TX


DS1 General (Requires SW310)

Signal Directions: Multiplexed to DS3 jacks or to DS1 jacks
Clock Source: Internal (


5 ppm), Loop (recovered,



ppm), External (


300 ppm, 0 to -30 dB resistive)

Framing: Unframed, Superframe (SF-D4), ESF, SLC-96*.

Conforms to ANSI T1.102, 107, 107A, 403, and 404.
Also Telcordia TR-TSY-000009 and TR-TSY-000191.
*SLC is a registered trademark of AT&T.

Line Coding: AMI, B8ZS
Standard Test Patterns: All 1s, All 0s, Alt 10, 1100, 1-in-8

(1:7), 1-in-16, 3-in-24, Quasi-Random Signal (QRS),


-1, 2


-1, 2


-1, 2


-1, 2


-1, 2


-1, 2


-1, 55 Daly, T1-1

through T1-6, DDS-1, DDS-2, DDS-3, DDS,4, DDS-6
(Idle, Yellow, 2-8, FOX)

User Programmed Patterns: 10 programmable 2048-bit

patterns with alphanumeric names

Test Pattern Inversion: All Standard Test Patterns and

User Programmed Patterns

Error Injection: Logic, BPV, Logic+BPV, Frame, Burst or Rate
Alarm Generation: AIS, Yellow, Idle
Fractional T1: Any arbitrary combination of 1 to 24

channels. Nx56k or Nx64k format. Autoconfigure to
active channels. Requires SW311.

Loopbacks: CSU/NIU loop up/down, Inband, ESF datalink,

programmable 32-bit control. M13 C-bit loopbacks
per Telcordia TR-TSY-000009.

DS3/DS1 based FEAC loopbacks per ANSI T1.404

DS1 Transmitter

Pulse Shape: Conforms to ITU-T G.703, Telcordia TR-TSY-


Output Levels: 0, -7.5, -15, -20 dB

April 2001