Atec Tektronix-ST2400A User Manual
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is used to generate the
2.488 Gbit/s signal, which
can be split to multiple
inputs of the DWDM system.
The Parallel Channel Test is
illustrated in the figure
Help in Lowering per Channel
Test Time
In addition to using the
ST2400A for effective paral-
lel channel test, the product
can also help lower per-chan-
nel test time.
Accelerating Low BER Measurement
through Extrapolation
Measuring the low error rates
that DWDM systems promise
can take a minimum of 11
hours at 2.488 Gbit/s. The
ST2400A provides a way in
some applications to save test
time by extrapolating to low
BERs through offset of the
optical receiver’s decision
Improved Test Convenience
If the system has been charac-
terized in design, then many
of these tests need not be
repeated further down the
value chain. The power of the
ST2400A is focused on sys-
tem transmission quality ver-
ification during production
and installation. For produc-
tion test, a full remote com-
mand set plus LabView
drivers help manufacturing
engineers create automated
test suites quickly and effi-
ciently. A "pause" feature
enables tests to be suspended
while rearrangements are
made, which allow long-term
testing to proceed. Tests can
also be automatically
resumed after lost power is
restored, again saving retest
time. Finally, by using the
ST2400A in constant wave-
length (unmodulated) mode,
optical tests such as OSNR
and spectral width can be
done without the need for an
additional laser source.
2.488 Gbit/s Interface Choices
For manufacturers and
installers of DWDM equip-
ment, the ST2400A offers a
low-dispersion, long reach
1550 nm laser option that
provides enhanced perfor-
mance. In addition, the low-
dispersion optics can be
ordered at specific ITU-T
G.692 grid frequencies to
meet precise requirements. If
low-dispersion optics are not
required, the ST2400A long-
reach 1310 nm optics can be
ordered. A dual
1310/1550 nm wavelength
option is provided for cus-
tomers who need flexibility.
Finally, a customer can
choose to configure units
with only 2.488 Gbit/s elec-
trical I/O. This feature is pro-
vided for applications such
as laser-driver module tests
where optics are not
± 1 nm Wavelength Tuning
The ST2400A provides the
capability to “tune” the
wavelength of its 1550 nm
laser from its nominal value
up or down by one nanome-
ter. This feature allows the
user to check adjacent chan-
nels on the G.692 frequency
grid without purchasing
additional specific wave-
length lasers. This feature
would typically be useful in
testing DWDM systems with-
out transponders or in testing
transponder-based systems
when the transponder is not
part of the test set up.
STM-64/OC-192 Tributary Testing
Testing 10 Gbit/s systems at
the line rate requires very
expensive test equipment.
These systems can be tested
more economically at the
2.488 Gbit/s tributary rate
using the ST2400A.
Adheres To The Latest Standards
The ST2400A complies with
the latest ITU-T, ANSI, ETSI,
and Bellcore recommenda-
tions and standards.
• STM-16 SDH RS and MS
Testing/OC-48 SONET Sec-
tion and Line Testing
– B1, B2, B3 Error
– B1, B2, B3 Error
– Path REI, Path Alarms,
Pattern Bit Error
– J0, J1 Capture and J0 Edit
– RS and MS Alarm
– RS and MS Alarm
– RS and MS Layer Alarm
and Error Generation
• VC4 PRBS Mappings/STS1,
STS3c PRBS Mappings
• Ability to receive, generate
and modify an STM-
4c/STM-16c (OC-12c/
OC-48c) Payload (Opt. 41)
• External Clock Input
(2 Mbps/2 MHz) or
1.5 Mbps
• User-selectable power fail-
ure recovery mode
• Electrical Offset of Receiver
Decision Threshold
• ±1 nm wavelength tuning
(applies only to 1550 nm
• CW laser source mode
• 2.488 Gb/s electrical I/O
• 3-year warranty
• Automatic Optical Receiver
shut-off if power exceeds
maximum rating
• Specific wavelength G.692
lasers in 1550 nm region
• Portable – 11.4 kilograms
(25 pounds) maximum
• A simple menu system
• Tributary Access at
155 Mb/s or 622 Mb/s
• Easily software switched
between SDH and SONET
• Integrates with the CTS 750
or CTS 850 or ST112 for
complete “all-rate” SDH or
SONET analysis
• Wide optical range:
– 3 dBm to –2 dBm Typical
Output Power
– -29 dBm to –10 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity