Atec Multidyne-TS12-10B User Manual
Atec Equipment

TS12-10B 10 Bit Series of NTSC Test Signal Generators
10 bit digital video test signal generation exceeding the RS-250C Short-haul specification.
12 NTSC video test signal including 5 MHz Line Sweep, NTC-7 Composite, NTC-7 Combination, Multiburst,
Multipulse and (SIN X)/X.
95 to 100 IRE RAMP to measure Signal-to-Noise (S/N) and Signal-to-Quantizing Noise (S/Q) in digital video
systems as recommended by ANSI standard T1Q1.5/91-205R2. Ideal for Digital Video Fiber Optics and DS-
3 Telephone Compressed Video systems. Option -RAMP
Vertical interval test signals (VITS), NTC-7 Composite and NTC-7 Combination, VM700A
Option -VITS
Loop-through of external video and stereo audio.
Automatic By-pass of external video and stereo audio. When using the Automatic By-pass feature external
video and stereo audio are looped through the device. If the external video is interrupted or lost, a video test
signal, character ID and stereo tone are switched onto the line automatically. Option -AB
16 message, field programmable character generator. Each message is 32 characters and is retained in a
battery-backed RAM for up to 10 years. Option -M
Insertion of a vertical interval character ID into external video.
Stereo audio tone, 3 frequencies, XLR or quick release screw terminal connectors.
Lip-sync, audio and video synchronizing signal.
2 outputs, test signal output and Black Burst output.
12 hour DC operations with 4 AA batteries, external 6-20 VDC or 115VAC with external wall-mount supply
for the TS12-10B only. 115 and 230 VAC operation for the TS12-10B-RM only.
Automatically maintain and trouble shoot video and audio circuits to RS-250C specifications.
Ideal for Digital and Analog Fiber Optics, Distance Learning, Microwave, Cable TV, Broadcast TV and ENG.
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