Atec Rohde-Schwarz-SME Series User Manual
Signal generation 200, Signal generator sme, Brief description

Signal Generation
Contents Overview
R&S Addresses
Type Index
Chapter Overview
Contents Overview
R&S Addresses
Type Index
Chapter Overview
Brief description
The SME supplies the complex signals
required for the development and test-
ing of digital mobile radio receivers. It
is capable of generating all signals
used in the main digital radio net-
works in line with relevant standards
regarding the type of modulation,
data format, TDMA structure and fre-
quency hop patterns. The SME is com-
pletely at home also in the analog sig-
nal world of conventional signal gen-
SME02, SME03 and SME06 are
identical except for the frequency
range. Economy Signal Generator
SME03E has been designed as an
especially economical solution for
applications involving digitally modu-
lated signals. The large variety of
options available allows the SME to
be tailored to the specific needs of the
Main features
• All common digital modulation
modes provided in one unit
• Great ease of operation thanks to a
novel menu concept
• No external modulation and data
sources required
• User-programmable data
sequences and TDMA structure
• RF, LF and level sweep
• Ultra-low RF leakage for measure-
ments on highly sensitive pagers
• List mode: programmable measure-
ment sequence for up to 4096 fre-
quency and level combinations, set-
ting time <0.5 ms (not SME03E)
Signal Generator SME
SME02: 5 kHz to 1.5 GHz
SME03: 5 kHz to 3 GHz
SME03E: 5 kHz to 2.2 GHz
SME06: 5 kHz to 6 GHz
For digital communication with
all types of modulation of
mobile radio
Photo 42212
Overview of options
* Already included in basic model of SME03E
Designation, functions
Reference Oscillator OCXO: aging <1 x10
LF Generator: supplies sinewave, noise 0.1 Hz to 500 kHz,
triangular, squarewave 0.1 Hz to 50 kHz signals
Pulse Modulator: on/off ratio >80 dB,
rise/fall time <10 ns
Pulse Generator: only in conjunction with SM-B3/SM-B8/SM-B9; pro-
vides single, delayed and double pulses
M Modulator: FM DC to 2 MHz,
M DC to 100 kHz
Multifunction Generator: produces stereo multiplex and VOR/ILS signals,
as well as sinewave, noise 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz, triangular, sawtooth,
squarewave 0.1 Hz to 50 kHz signals
DM Coder: generates FSK, FFSK, 4FSK, GFSK, GMSK, QPSK,
/4 QPSK,
/4 DQPSK, O-QPSK; user-programmable data
sequences and PRBS
DM Memory Extension 8 Mbit: expands the 8-kbit memory of the DM
Coders to 8 Mbit (data only); required for fitting SME-B41 and SME-B42
FLEX Protocol: generates call signals to FLEX standard for
testing pagers
POCSAG Protocol: generates call signals to POCSAG standard for test-
ing pagers
Rear Connectors for RF and LF: to replace front-panel connectors
Document Outline
- Competence in Test and Measurement, Radiocommunications and Broadcasting
- From our Principles
- Who we are and what we do
- Our Business Fields and Products
- Test and Measurement
- Radiocommunications Systems
- Broadcasting, Paging, Broadband Communications
- Radiomonitoring and Radiolocation
- IT Security
- Services
- Mobile Radio Measurements
- Radiocommunication Service Monitors of CMS Family
- Brief description
- Main features
- Overview of models
- Overview of configurations
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Radiocommunication Service Monitor CMS54
- Brief description
- Main features
- Special data of CMS54
- Ordering information
- Radiocommunication Service Monitor CMS57
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Ordering information
- Specific data of CMS57
- Options for radio testers of the CMS family
- 2 GHz Radiocommunication Tester CMT55
- Brief description
- Main features
- Overview of equipment and options
- Measurement capabilities
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Radiocommunication Analyzers CMTA54, CMTA84
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Standard equipment of CMTA54
- Additional equipment of CMTA84
- Options
- Recommended extras
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Overview of models and options for CMS, CMT, CMTA
- Digital Radiocommunication Testers CMD50/52, CMD53/55, CMD65
- Brief description
- Operation
- Test capabilities
- Overview of applications and options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Digital Radiocommunication Testers CMD54, CMD57, CMD59
- Brief description
- The key features at a glance
- Overview of options and extras
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Digital Radiocommunication Tester CMD60/CMD65
- Brief description
- Benefits at a glance
- Application overview
- Main features
- Menu structure
- Interface description
- Overview of options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Digital Radiocommunication Tester R4860
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Digital Radiocommunication Tester CMD80
- Brief description
- Main features
- Test capabilities
- Specifications in brief
- General data
- Ordering information
- Digital Radiocommunication Test Sets CRTP02, CRTC02
- Brief description
- Applications
- Operation
- Signalling
- Protocol analysis
- Data services
- Supplementary services
- Overview of hardware options
- Overview of software options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Digital Radio Testers CTS50, CTS55, CTS65 for mobile phones
- Brief description
- Main features
- GSM measurement functions
- DECT measurement, test and adjustment capabilities
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Mobile Installation Tester CIT
- Brief description
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Universal Shielded Chamber with Antenna Coupler CTD-Z10
- Brief description
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Radiocommunication Service Monitors of CMS Family
- EMC/Field-Strength Measurements
- Introduction
- Equipment required for EMI measurements to specific standards
- EMI Test Receiver ESPC
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- EMI Test Receiver ESCS30
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- EMI Test Receivers ESHS10, 30, ESVS10, 30 and ESS
- Brief description
- Overview of models
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief: ESHS
- Specifications in brief: ESVS
- Specifications in brief: ESS
- Ordering information
- EMI Test Receiver ESI
- Brief description
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- EMI Test Receivers ESBI and ESMI
- Brief description
- Main features
- Measurement capabilities
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Test Receivers ESN, ESVN20, 30, 40
- Brief description
- Main features
- Manual operation
- Automatic operation
- Use in radiomonitoring
- Use in computer-controlled systems
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Test Receivers ESVB
- Brief description
- Main features
- Field-strength measurements in digital sound and TV broadcast networks
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Test Receiver ESVD
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Miniport Receiver EB200
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Digital Radio Analyzer PCSD
- Brief description
- Basic unit
- Software options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- EMI Software ES-K1
- Brief description
- Main features
- Test runs
- Report generation
- Hardware requirements
- Ordering information
- EMI Software ESxS-K1
- Brief description
- Main features
- Hardware requirements
- Ordering information
- Mast and Turntable System HCC, HCM, HCT12; Absorbing Clamp Slideway HCA
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Absorbing Clamps MDS-21 and MDS-22
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Triple-Loop Antenna HM020
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Active Antennas AM524, HM525
- Brief description
- Equipment supplied
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Shielded, Calibrated Magnetic Field Pickup Coil HZ-10
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- E and H Near-Field Probe Sets HZ-11, HZ-14
- Brief description
- Equipment supplied, characteristics
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Precision Halfwave Dipole Sets HZ-12, HZ-13
- Brief description
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Active Receiving Dipoles HE202, HE302
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- HF Antennas
- Rod Antenna HFH 2-Z1
- Loop Antenna HFH 2-Z2
- Inductive Probe HFH 2-Z4
- Rod Antenna HFH 2-Z6
- Power Supply HZ-9
- Specifications in brief
- VHF, UHF and SHF Antennas
- RF Probe HFV-Z
- Mast and Tripod HFU-Z
- Broadband Dipole HUF-Z1
- Wooden Tripod HZ-1
- V-Networks ESH2-Z5, ESH3-Z5, ESH3-Z6
- Main features
- Brief description of ESH2-Z5
- Brief description of ESH3-Z5
- Brief description of ESH3-Z6
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- 200-A Four-Line V-NetworkENV4200
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- T-Networks ESH3-Z4, EZ-10
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Antenna Impedance Converter EZ-12
- Current Probe EZ-17
- VHF Current Probe ESV-Z1
- Pulse Limiter ESH3-Z2, Attenuator ESH 2-Z11
- Preamplifiers ESH3-Z3, ESV-Z3, ESMI-Z7
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Probes ESH2-Z2, ESH2-Z3
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- RF Connecting Cables HFU2-Z4, HFU2-Z5
- Feeder Cables HZ-3, HZ-4
- TV Broadcast Measurements
- MPEG2 Measurement Generator DVG
- Brief description
- Main features
- Applications
- Test signals
- Choice of test signals (625-line standard)
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Stream CombinerTM DVG-B1
- Brief description
- Main features
- Defining a user-specific transport stream
- Editing a user-specific transport stream
- Generating defined nonconformal states
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- MPEG2 Measurement Decoder DVMD
- Brief description
- Analyzer
- Decoder
- Realtime measurement functions
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Stream ExplorerTM DVMD-B1
- Brief description
- Four operating modes
- Other features
- System requirements
- Ordering information
- TV Test Receiver Family EFA
- Brief description
- Applications
- Features
- Family concept
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- CCVS+Component Generator SAF, CCVS Generator SFF
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- TV Test Transmitter SFM
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- TV Test Transmitter SFQ
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- TV Generators SGPF, SGSF, SGMF
- Brief description
- Main features
- Ordering information
- Specifications in brief
- TV Network Analyzers SWKF, SOKF
- Brief description
- Main features
- Measuring capabilities
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Video Analyzer UAF
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief (standard B/G)
- Ordering information
- Digital Video Component Analyzer VCA, DTL Analysis VCA-B11
- Brief description
- Main features
- DTL analysis option (VCA-B11)
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Video Measurement System VSA
- Brief description
- Main features
- Five instruments in one
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- TV Test Receiver Option VSA-B10
- Brief description
- Features of VSA with Option VSA-B10
- Features of TV test receiver
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Noise Generator SUF2
- Brief description
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Video Analyzer VTA71
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- MPEG2 Measurement Generator DVG
- Spectrum and Network Analysis
- Spectrum Analyzers FSEA, FSEB, FSEM, FSEK
- Brief description
- Main features
- From AF to microwave
- Measurement functions
- Operation
- Overview of configurations and options
- Common specifications in brief
- Model-dependent specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Vector Signal Analyzer Option FSE-B7 for Spectrum Analyzers FSE
- Brief description
- Main features
- Benefits at a glance
- Principle of vector signal analysis
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Tracking Generators FSE-B8 to -B11
- Brief description
- Main features
- Description
- Versatile measurement functions
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Application Firmware FSE-K10/FSE-K11
- Brief description
- Main features
- Covered standards
- Measurement functions and trigger sources
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Signal Analyzer FSIQ
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Spectrum Analyzers R3265A, R3271A, R3365A, R3371A
- Brief description
- Operation
- Overview of models
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Spectrum Analyzers R3263, R3465, R3272
- Brief description
- Operation
- Overview of models
- R3465 Options
- R3263 Options
- Add-on units
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Spectrum Analyzer R3131
- Brief description
- Operation, functions
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- BasePak - for all measurements on antenna installations
- Brief description
- Measurement capabilities
- Ordering information
- Spectrum Analyzers U3641, U3661
- Brief description
- The main technical features at a glance
- Modularity through retrofittable options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Spectrum Analyzers U4941, U4341, U4342
- Brief description
- Operation
- Overview of models
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Spectrum Analyzers R3261, R3361
- Brief description
- Operation
- Overview of models
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Vector Network Analyzers ZVC, ZVCE, ZVR, ZVRE, ZVRL
- Brief description
- Main features
- System configuration
- Brief specifications
- System error correction techniques
- General data
- Benefits at a glance
- Ordering information
- Vector Network Analyzers R3752, R3753
- Brief description
- Main features
- Overview of models
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Vector Network Analyzer R3754
- Brief description
- Main features
- Design features
- Options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Vector Network Analyzers R3765, R3767
- Brief description
- Main features
- Overview of models
- Operation
- Extras
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- SWR Bridges ZRA, ZRB2, ZRC, VCA-Z1
- Brief description
- Specifications in brief, ordering information
- Spectrum Analyzers FSEA, FSEB, FSEM, FSEK
- Signal Generation
- Signal Generator SMT
- Brief description
- Main features
- Overview of options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Signal Generator SME
- Vector Signal Generator SMIQ
- Brief description
- Main features
- Applications, options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Signal Generators SMGU, SMHU
- Brief description
- Main features
- Characteristics
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Signal Generator SMHU58
- Brief description
- Main features
- Level, modulation
- Overview of options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Signal Generator SMY
- Brief description
- Main features
- Characteristics
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Signal Generators SMG, SMH, Power Signal Generator SMGL
- Brief description of SMG, SMH
- Brief description of SMGL
- Main features
- Overview of options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Microwave Signal Generator SMP
- Brief description
- Main features
- Overview of options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- I/Q Modulation Generator AMIQ/Simulation Software WinIQSIM
- Brief description
- Main features
- I/Q simulation software
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Function Generators AFG, AFGU
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operating modes
- Modulation
- Option, software
- Specifications in brief: AFG
- Specifications in brief: AFGU
- Ordering information
- Dual Arbitrary Waveform Generator ADS
- Brief description
- Main features
- Overview of options and software
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Generators APN04, APN06
- Brief description
- Main features
- Overview of options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Arbitrary Waveform Designer AWD-K1
- I/Q Simulation Software IQSIM-K
- COFDM Software DAB-K1
- Ordering information AWD-K1, IQSIM-K, DAB-K1
- Hardware required for Software AWD-K1, IQSIM-K and DAB-K1
- Software SME-K2
- Brief description
- Main fatures
- Specifications
- Ordering information
- Signal Generator SMT
- Signal Analysis
- Audio Analyzer UPA
- Brief description
- Main features
- Overview of options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Audio Analyzer UPL
- Brief description
- Main features
- Overview of options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Audio Analyzer UPD
- Brief description
- Features differing from UPL
- Additional measurements
- Overview of options
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- VOR/ILS Receiver/Analyzer EVS200
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications
- Ordering information
- Modulation Analyzers FMA, FMAB, FMAV, FMB; Selective Modulation Analyzer FMAS
- Overview of options
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Specs in brief: FMAS receive mode
- Specs in brief: FMAV, VOR/ILS measurement
- Ordering information
- Audio Analyzer UPA
- Optical Measurements
- Introduction to Optical Measurements
- Optical power meters and light sources
- Spectral analysis
- Measurement examples,
- About the following pages
- Automatic OTDR OFR14
- Brief description
- Main features
- Measurement capabilities
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Optical modules
- Optical Wavelength Meter TQ8325
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Optical Spectrum Analyzer Q8347
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Optical Spectrum Analyzer Q8383
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Handheld Optical Power Meter Q8210
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Optical sensors
- Benchtop Optical Power Meter Q8221
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief (basic unit)
- Optical sensors
- Plug-in light sources
- Introduction to Optical Measurements
- Voltage, Power, Frequency Measurements
- Level Meter URV35
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Millivoltmeter URV5
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Millivoltmeter URV55
- Brief description
- Main features
- Measuring heads
- Specifications in brief, Ordering information URV 55, NRVS, NRVD
- Probes and Insertion Units URV5-Z1, -Z2, -Z4, -Z7, -Z9 for voltage and level measurement
- Brief description
- Ordering information
- Specifications in brief
- Power Meter NRVS
- Brief description
- Main features
- Characteristics
- Measuring heads
- Dual-Channel Power Meter NRVD
- Brief description
- Main features
- Characteristics
- Power Sensors NRV-Z
- Brief description
- Overview of models
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Power Reflection Meter NRT
- Brief description
- Operation, measurement functions
- Options
- Specifications in brief: power sensors
- Specifications in brief: NRT basic unit
- Ordering information
- Directional Power Meter NAS
- Brief description
- Main features
- Insertion units
- Specifications in brief: basic unit
- Ordering information
- Specifications in brief: Insertion Units NAS-Z
- RMS Voltmeter URE2, RMS/Peak Voltmeter URE3
- Brief description
- Main features
- Characteristics
- Specifications in brief: URE2
- Specifications in brief: URE3
- Ordering information
- Digital Multimeter R6552
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Level Meter URV35
- Test Systems
- The future lies with systems
- System applications
- Project handling by Rohde&Schwarz
- Our range of test systems
- Future-oriented design
- Support
- References
- Service for systems
- The future lies with systems
- Production Test Systems
- Contents, Introduction
- Quality is measurable, quality is testable
- Economy
- Start small - upgrade later
- Test strategies
- Service for systems
- First-hand service
- Services available
- Service blocks
- Service options
- Hotline
- Production Test Systems – Overview of TSA System Family
- Electrical in-circuit test
- Hybrid in-circuit test
- Analog functional test
- Digital functional test
- Combinational test
- Test Workstation TSA
- Brief description
- Main features
- Design
- Measurement configuration
- Operation
- Power Test Station TSAP
- Brief description
- Main features
- Universal Test System TSU
- Brief description
- Design
- Software and hardware concept
- Overview of TSU System Family
- Analog Prescreener (MDA) and Universal Analog Functional Tester TSUC
- Universal Combinational Tester TSUM
- Universal Functional Tester TSU
- LaserVision TS-LV1, -LV2
- Brief description
- Main features
- Windows NT interface
- Two basic models in use
- Modular concept
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Production Test System Software TSS 5.0
- Brief description
- High-level test language
- Test methods
- Quality management and paperless repair
- Contents, Introduction
- Type-Approval Systems for Mobile Radio
- International benchmark for mobile radio test technology
- System solutions for all significant mobile radio systems
- We set the standards – you enjoy the benefits
- Future-proof thanks to high flexibility
- GSM900/1800/100 Simulators TS8915A, TS8915B and TS8916B
- Brief description
- Main features
- Tests to ETS 300 607-1
- GSM900/1800/1900 Multicarrier Tester TS8913
- GSM1800/1900 Base Station Test System TS8510
- Brief description
- Main features
- Tests to ETSI/GSM Spec. 11.2x
- DECT Type-Approval Test Systems TS8930B, TS8930F
- Brief description
- Main features
- DECT Type-Approval Test System TS1210
- Brief description
- Main features
- DECT Protocol Tester TS1220
- Brief description
- Main features
- Type-Approval Test System TS8410
- Brief description
- Main features
- Coverage Measurement Systems (Mobile Radio or DAB)
- Successful know-how transfer: innovative ideas for coverage measurements
- Customer satisfaction is your capital – and your dividends
- The optimized network – minimum investment returning maximum performance
- Digital mobile radio systems – a new challenge to measurement technology
- Reliable planning through practice-oriented measurement
- From a single source
- Overview of systems
- Coverage Measurement System TS9955 (Mobile Radio or DAB)
- Brief description
- Main features
- System configuration
- Software
- Coverage Measurement System TS9951 (Mobile Radio or DAB)
- Brief description
- The right system for every application
- Main features
- System configuration
- Software
- Test Transmitter System TS9953
- Brief description
- Main features
- System configuration
- Evaluation Software ROSEVAL
- Brief description
- Main features
- Available technologies
- EMC Test Systems
- EMI Test System TS9975
- Brief description
- System configuration
- Software concept
- EMS Test System TS9980
- Brief description
- Main features
- Measurement technology
- Software
- EMS Test System TS9981
- Brief description
- Main features
- System configuration
- Operation
- Expandability
- Overview of models
- EMS Test System TS9986
- Brief description
- Main features
- System configuration
- Operation
- Expandability
- Overview of models
- EMS Test System TS9982
- Brief description
- EUT Monitoring Systems TS998xM
- Brief description
- System configuration
- Software concept
- EMS Test System TS9983
- Brief description
- Main features
- System configuration
- Operation
- Expandability
- Brief description
- Main features
- Available models
- Extensions
- EMS line application package
- EMI line application package
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- EMS Software EMS-K1
- Brief description
- Main features
- Automatic generation of immunity parameters
- EUT monitoring
- Measurement sequence control
- Ordering information
- EMI Test System TS9975
- Broadcasting Measurement Systems
- Digital broadcasting: the ultimate challenge for test & measurement
- Everything under control– with Rohde&Schwarz
- The complete test & measurement equipment for the digital broadcasting revolution
- Introduction
- Broadcasting Measurement and Monitoring Systems TS 6100
- Control Center TS6100Z
- Brief description
- System hardware
- Hardware system extensions
- System Software TS6100/Win
- System Software TS6100/Win
- Software extensions
- TV Monitoring System TS6110
- Brief description
- Specifications
- Ordering information
- TV Monitoring System TS6120
- Brief description
- Ordering information
- TV Transmitter Test and Monitoring System TS6130
- Brief description
- Ordering information
- TV Transmitter Test System TS6140
- Brief description
- Ordering information
- TV Transmitter Test System TS6150
- Brief description
- Options
- Ordering information
- DAB Monitoring System TS6160
- Brief description
- System configuration
- Monitoring concept
- DVB Monitoring System TS6170
- Brief description
- System kernel
- Options
- Monitoring concept
- Control Center TS6100Z
- Broadcasting Coverage Measurement Systems TS6200
- Introduction
- Principle of operation
- Applications
- COVER Family
- COVER measurement parameters
- Equipment required for parameter measurement (DAB/DVB)
- System software
- Analog Coverage Measurement System TS6210
- Brief description
- DAB Coverage Measurement System TS6260
- Brief description
- DVB Coverage Measurement System TS6270
- Brief description
- DVB Coverage Measurement System TS 6280
- Program Input Racks with Monitoring Function
- Brief description
- Main features
- Characteristics
- Specifications in brief
- Audio Monitoring System AMON
- Brief description
- Operation
- Specifications
- Ordering information
- Audio Data Transmission System ADAS
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications
- Ordering information
- Video PC Card VPC1000
- Brief description
- Applications
- Software
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- ETI/STI Transport Frame Decoder FD1000
- Brief description
- Main features
- Functions
- Components
- Electrical interfaces
- Ordering information
- Industrial Controllers, Printers, Monitors
- Portable Industrial Controller PSP
- Brief description
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Industrial Controller PSM
- Brief description
- Main features
- Comprehensive basic configuration
- High flexibility
- Unlimited memory expansion
- Versatile auxiliary functions
- R&S system software
- Options
- Your sensitive data under lock and key
- Safe investment thanks to modular concept
- Specifications in brief
- General data
- Ordering information
- Industrial Monitor PMC4
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Pinwriter PDN
- Brief description
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Portable Industrial Controller PSP
- Power Supply
- Range of Products, Introduction
- Power supplies
- Overview of Power Supplies
- Single Power Supplies
- NGM, NGK: 30/70 W lab models
- NGA – 120 W compact models
- NGAS: 160 W compact model
- NGB: 350 W bench models
- Specifications in brief of Single Power Supplies
- Dual and Triple Power Supplies
- NGMD 35 – 2 x 0 to 35 V/1 A
- NGL 35 – 3 x 0 to 35 V/0.6 A
- NGT – 2 x 0 to 20/25/35 V 1/0.8/0.6 A; 1 x 0 to 6 V/5 A
- Specifications in brief of Dual and Triple Power Supplies
- Power Supplies NGRU
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- 1000 W Power Supplies NGC
- Brief description
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Power Supplies NGRE
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief and Order Numbers
- Completion of Order Numbers
- Programmable Voltage Source NGPS
- Brief description
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Programmable Power Supplies NGPU
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Programmable Power Supplies NGPV
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Programmable Power Supplies NGPX
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Programmable Power Supply NGPE 40/40
- Brief description
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Triple Power Supply NGPT
- Main features
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- DC Power Supply NGSM32/10
- Brief description
- Main features
- Application-specific characteristics
- Operation
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Range of Products, Introduction
- Measurement Accessories
- RF Step Attenuators RSP, RSG
- Brief description
- Main features
- RF Step Attenuators RSH, DPSP, DPS
- Brief description
- Specs in brief attenuators
- Ordering information attenuators
- Relay Matrix PSN, RF Relay Matrix PSU
- Main features
- Specifications in brief
- Ordering information
- Matching Pads, Attenuators, Terminations
- Brief description
- Specifications in brief / Ordering information for attenuators, terminations, matching pads
- Junction Boxes/Power Splitters
- Power Splitter/Combiner DVS
- Four-Port Junction Box DVU4
- Power Splitter RVZ
- Adapters for RF Connectors
- Coaxial Components
- Brief description
- RF Step Attenuators RSP, RSG
- Rohde & Schwarz Customer Service
- Documentation – medium between man and technology
- Technical documentation from Rohde & Schwarz prepared to customer's order - also for non- R&S pro...
- Keeping pace with new requirements
- New tools for your technical documentation
- More than just a translation
- Drawing on qualified sources
- Documentation just in time
- Documentation as you like it
- Further support provided by Rohde&Schwarz
- Get in touch with us
- Training
- Welcome to our training courses
- Training sites
- Ask for information on our seminars
- Repair
- Service centers of international standard
- Calibration
- Definitions
- Product calibration certificate
- Calibration in service
- Calibration interval
- Tolerance analysis
- Traceability
- How do we do it?
- Repair, Calibration
- Hotline
- Integrated customer support at Rohde&Schwarz
- Financing
- Service contracts
- Application notes
- Demo units
- Support center
- Documentation – medium between man and technology
- Cabinets, designs
- Dimensions
- Cabinet designs
- Rackmounting
- Design 2000 (BW2000)
- Compact design 90 (KB 90)
- System compatibility
- Transit Cases ZZK-9x
- Type/Data Sheet Index
- Rohde & Schwarz Addresses