Atec MTI-2000 User Manual
Page 5
Two fiber-optic probes are used to perform The Fotonic Sensor accurately measures the
modal analysis on a computer read/write vibration amplitude of on ultrasonic welder
head. With a high frequency response that tip at high frequencies and accelerations.
makes it possible to measure both displace-
ment and phase, the Fotonic Sensor has
been chosen as the best instrument for this
type of analysis by measurement experts in
the U.S. and Japan.
MTI Fotonic Sensors have been used successfully in the computer
disk-drive, aircraft, microelectronics and automotive industries;
research laboratories; and universities.
Vibration Analysis
Displacement and phase of magnetic
and optical disk-drive read/write heads,
actuators and servo mechanisms.
Resonant response of printed circuit boards
and electronic components
Model analysis of composite materials
Vibration of fuel rods submerged in hot
Vibration amplitude of ultrasonic equip-
ment components
Sonar transducer displacement, frequency
and waveshape
Motion Analysis
Micromechanism motions
Stepper-motor dynamics and repeatability
Mechanical shock pulse displacement
and waveshape
Rolling element bearing performance
Dot-matrix printer mechanism motion
Ink-jet printer mechanism motion
Speaker cone modal studies
Measurement of
Nonmetallic Materials
Liquid surface d ynamics
Magnetic tape vibration
Thin-film vibration and thickness
With frequency response from dc to 150 Two fiber-optic probes are used to measure
kHz, the Fotonic Sensor is ideal fur analyz- surface displacement of a ceramic resona-
ing squarewave and complex motions. The tor. Fotonic probes are immune to electro-
MTI-2000 is used here to measure the abso- magnetic interference (EMI) and operate
lute travel and bounce of a fuel-injector effectively on a wide range of surfaces
valve. including nonmetalic materials, ceramic,
glass, plastics, and composites.
Other Applications
Surface flaws in metals,
Amplitude feedback in materials
semiconductors and ceramics fatigue testing
Biomcchanics: muscle response and
Displacement of sealed assemblies
hearing studies using optical viewport
Nonrepetitive runout of precision
X-Y-Z detection of out-of-plane
spindle motions