Atec Hipotronics-TDR-1150 User Manual
Tdr 1150

TDR 1150
Time Domain Reflectometer
Hipotronics Model TDR1150 is the most
advanced and powerful cable fault-locating tool on
the market. Used together with a suitable high
voltage coupling device, the TDR1150 accurately pre-
locates high voltage cable faults in underground
transmission and distribution cable systems.
Basic Mode Operation
Basic mode provides the simplest means of operation
for pre-locating most cable faults. The TDR provides
step-by-step operation instructions, automatically sets
the cable end points, displays the cable length in feet
or meters and displays the distance to the cable fault
from the hook-up point. The auto range feature fits
the cable trace on the screen, regardless of the cable
The operator is then prompted to send a single, high
voltage pulse down the cable. The TDR displays the
high voltage trace, places a fault cursor at the point
of the fault, and displays the distance to the fault.
There is no need to interpret traces or move cursors.
The entire process can be completed within minutes.
Advanced Mode Operation
Advanced Mode operation provides the operator with
complete control and setup access of the TDR
functions and settings. Typically this is used in cases
where the cable type
may be unknown, the
cable system has a
complex system
configuration (loop and
network systems) or
where the fault may be
intermittent. It is
password protected to
prevent unauthorized
use. This mode
provides more
experienced operators
with the diagnostic tools
they need to find more
difficult faults.
TDR functions that can be adjusted include:
propagation velocity, pulse width, gain, 3-phase or
single-phase display, and trigger delay. Zoom and
cursor features are also fully available to the user in
Advanced Mode. In addition alternate languages,
memory functions, selectable measurement systems
and much more are accessible.
Automatic Identification of Key Cable
Parameters (cable length and distance to fault)
Quick Location of Faults
32 Accessible Memory Locations for
Internal Trace Storage
Large 10.4” VGA Color Display
Automatic Setup of sampling rate, gain and
pulse width
Step-by-Step Instructions of System
Operation Guides User Through Test
Large, Easy-to-Use Buttons
Multi-Purpose Device - has ability to pre-locate,
locate and diagnose cable faults
Easy to Use - device walks user through test
procedure; in 5 easy steps you’ve located the fault
Compatibility - TDR1150 can be used with most
other High Voltage Couplers
PC Software and Serial Port - included with
standard unit provides long-term storage, evaluation of
test results, defining of test protocols and simple
software upgrading
Reduce Outage Time - by quickly locating cable
faults you reduce outage time and get power back to
your customers sooner
Reduce Cable Damage - using a TDR reduces
thumping and therefore damage to the cable
These devices are generally used by:
Î Electrical Utilities
Î Test Companies
Î Petrochemical Facilities
Î Facility Maintenance