Atec Megger-mct1605 User Manual
Atec Equipment

CT saturation curve on the large graphical display and
automatically provide the user with the rated knee point
per the desired IEEE or IEC standard. Many substation
CT’s include a multi-ratio secondary, therefore the
MCT1605 has the ability to plot and simultaneously display
up to 10 CT saturation curves.
Multi-Tap Automatic Current Transformer
Saturation, Ratio and Polarity Test Set
One button automated test: Demagnetization,
on multi-ratio CTs test all Knee Point,
Saturation, Polarity and Deviation, Winding
Resistance, Insulation Resistance, and Burden
Displays multiple instantaneous Saturation
Curves with Knee Point
Integrated 1 kV DC insulation test system
Color daylight viewable graphical display
“Save & Print Later” with USB stick
Fast data entry using full QWERTY keyboard
1600 VAC Saturation Test Voltage
Automatic or manual testing selectable
Multi-Tap Automatic Current Transformer Saturation,
Ratio and Polarity Test Set
The Megger MCT1605 test set is a lightweight, robust,
portable unit used to automatically or manually perform
saturation, ratio, polarity, demagnetizing tests and
insulation tests on current transformers. The MCT provides
a microprocessor controlled variable voltage output
and precision instrumentation for automatically testing
single and multi-ratio CTs. The MCT1605 possesses
microprocessor controlled output voltage with precision
instrumentation and storage, reducing testing time and
increasing productivity. The MCT1605 will directly connect
to multi ratio CT’s and perform all three tests – saturation,
ratio and polarity – on all taps with the push of a button
and without changing leads. The MCT1605 has a large
display, permitting the user to easily read all pertinent data
while the test is being performed and providing the ability
to view the current transformer’s saturation curve.
Current transformers can be tested in their equipment
configuration, such as being mounted in transformers,
oil circuit breakers or switchgear. It is necessary for the
equipment to be completely isolated from the electrical
system prior to testing.
Saturation Test
With the single push of a button, The MCT1605 performs a
CT saturation test and calculates the rated knee point. The
saturation test is performed at mains rated frequency of
50 or 60 Hz as required by IEC regulations. The MCT1605
will calculate the rated knee point in compliance with
IEEE C57.13.1, IEC 60044-1 or IEC 60044-6. While the
saturation test is being performed, The MCT will plot the