Atec Fluke-TN2100 User Manual

Page 2

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Why Terminator and CopperPro
together are the only proven
way to qualify HDSL

Advances in DSL (digital subscriber line)

technologies have had a dramatic impact on

the availability and deployment of broad-

band service. High-speed links carrying

voice, data and video services can be

deployed quickly over existing outside plant

copper cable. While some circuits turn up

with minimal effort, many suffer problems

from the outset.

Traditional testing methods will no longer

do the job. HDSL2 and HDSL4 don’t use

repeating signals that can be replicated with

BERT and Nyquist tests used in the past.

Instead, they use complex TCPAM

technology, which requires a different

testing procedure.

The 990DSL CopperPro and Terminator

feature automatic tests designed specifically

to address this problem. CopperPro and

Terminator prequalify pairs for HDSL2 or

HDSL4 in less than two minutes, and help

locate facilities problems that generate

errors or cause circuits to fail.

HDSL2/4 tests include:

• Foreign voltage to uncover facility damage

• Shorts and grounds to identify any short

or crossed conductors, failed insulation or

water in the cable

• Opens, capacitive length and balance,

which, along with the resistance tests,

can help determine if water, split pairs or

an unknown bridge tap is present

• Signal loss and slope in the voice band

to help detect bridge taps and other


990 CopperPro
(Testing Unit)


Terminator Remote

SPAN Section


• Metallic noise, power influence and longi-

tudinal balance at voice band and data

frequencies to assess how well the pair

can “self-shield” itself from the effects

of noise from the environment or in

the cable

• Wideband circuit noise and level across

the entire frequency range (spectral noise)

to make sure ambient noise in the HDSLx

pass band are below acceptable levels

• Loop resistance and resistive balance and

length to assure that splices, gauge

changes or other impairments don’t com-

promise the long-term reliability of the


• Loop attenuation with pass/fail PSD

(power spectral density) masks for

upstream and downstream to assure

the performance of the TCPAM encoded


CopperPro Reporter Software

CopperPro Reporter Software allows you to

document and report test results quickly and

easily using Microsoft Excel on your com-

puter. It is available as a free download to

all CopperPro customers. Simply visit