Atec IFR-1900CSA User Manual

Atec Equipment

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Fully Featured TIA/EIA-136 (TDMA) Test


The IFR-1900 CSA provides you with the

industry’s only accepted test solution for

TIA/EIA-136 analysis, including critical

adjacent power measurements and power

measurements down to -40 dBm, which

allows the user to test the base station

without taking it off-line.

It is capable of performing the critical

dual-mode analog/digital authentication

and protocol compliance tests for

TIA/EIA-136 dual mode mobiles.

As for flexibility, the IFR-1900 CSA

provides the capability to perform both

mobile and base station conformance

testing. And with the VSELP and ACELP

vocoder technology as standard features,

the IFR-1900 CSA can handle today’s

latest technology.

The IFR-1900 CSA comes with a wide

array of application software options. The

AC1036 Protocol Conformance Test

Software provides an excellent way to verify

software conformance of TIA/EIA-136

mobiles. Other applications software

supports automated tests for the most

widely used base station applications.

AMPS Solutions

Engineered to be a true dual-mode test

solution, the IFR-1900 CSA also

incorporates AMPS and NAMPS mobile

and base station compliance test features.

Full AMPS testing modes are available with the

IFR-1900 CSA

Automatic test routines and user

defined print outs enhance manual mode

testing for both mobiles and base stations.

Open control channel simulations, voice

channel signaling, home/roam condition,


reference points, RF power windows, and

other AMPS/NAMPS functions and

signaling routines allow complete AMPS

and NAMPS system testing.

A Full Complement of Service Monitor

Functions to 2 GHz.

The IFR-1900 CSA gives you full

frequency domain analysis to 2 GHz with a

fully featured spectrum analyzer and

tracking generator built-in.

The IFR-1900 CSA also offers a full

complement of standard service monitor

features including a full span digitized

oscilloscope to 1 MHz, DVM and SINAD

functions, frequency and channel tables,

selectable IF filters, and a wide variety of


The IFR-1900 CSA gives you full featured service

monitor functions

IFR-1900 CSA

UWC-136 Digital PCS Radio Test Set

Engineered for maximum

performance, the

IFR-1900 CSA is an

all in one PCS solution

for today’s dual

band/dual mode mobile

and base station



ireless - Radio T

est Sets

The industry accepted simulator for

TIA/EIA-136 conformance testing
Tri-Band, 400/800 MHz and

1900 MHz PCS test capable
Comprehensive TIA/EIA-136

conformance testing
Analog and digital authentication

compliance testing option
TIA/EIA-136 hyperband handoff
Fully automated remote testing

ability with RS-232 or IEEE-488

(GPIB) interfaces
Intuitive test set up screens for

easy “Guided” user testing
VSELP and ACELP vocoder

functions allow verification of voice

Full featured 2 GHz service monitor

with spectrum analyzer and

tracking generator
Standard constellation IQ display

for quick assessment of digital

mobile or base station transmitter


IFR-1900 CSA


Table of contents