Atec EXFO-BRT-320A User Manual
Brt-320a, Optical return loss test set

Telecom Test and Measurement
Features Sous-titre
Built-in thermoelectrically cooled (TEC) laser(s)
Range of 0 dB to –70 dB
Quick and easy to operate
Rugged, field-ready
Stores up to 300 readings
Fast Stabilization
EXFO’s BRT-320A is a field-ready return loss test set offered in five configurations:
1310 nm, 1550 nm or 1625 nm; dual-wavelength 1310/1550 nm or 1550/1625 nm.
All come equipped with rapidly stabilizing TEC lasers and low-drift photodetectors to
ensure constant optical return loss (ORL) measurements year after year.
Built-In User-Friendliness
Use the BRT-320A to read backreflection from 0 dB to -70 dB and easily store up
to 300 readings in a non-volatile memory. ORL readings appear directly on the large,
backlit LCD. An ORL zero function accounts for incidental backreflections before
the point of measurement and complies with Bellcore optical continuous wave
reflectometer (OCWR) requirements. In User Calibration mode, you can calibrate
the unit to a known reflection. Other features include three-way powering
(rechargeable NiCd battery pack, 9 V battery, AC adapter/charger), 0.01 dB
resolution, ± 0.1 dB linearity, internal InGaAs detector, low-battery indicator and a
protective holster with shoulder strap.
Reveal Return Loss Problems
Many digital and analog fiber systems require ORL characterization. ORL along a
fiber span is a combination of Rayleigh scattering and Fresnel reflections. Together,
these phenomena can reduce fiber system performance and increase bit error rate
(BER) by degrading transmitter stability. The BRT-320A measures cumulative link
return loss and individual component reflectance to reveal potential ORL problems
before they seriously affect your applications.
The BRT-320A is ideal for local and long-distance Telco, CATV, utility, broadband
and transmission equipment manufacturing applications. These environments often
require complete network ORL characterization and component reflectance
verification. The BRT-320A also functions as a stable, continuous-wavelength light
source for attenuation measurements. Other applications include fiber component
and cable manufacturing.