Atec Narda-NBM-520 User Manual
Nbm-520 broadband field meter, Electric and magnetic field measurement

Safety Test Solutions an
communications company USA • Germany • Italy
USA TEL: (1) 631 231-1700 • FAX: (1) 631 231-1711 • E-MAIL: [email protected] •
Electric and Magnetic Field Measurement
Available with Isotropic Probes to cover
100 kHz to 60 GHz
Plug-and-Play Probe Interface with Automatic
Probe Parameter Detection
Fully Automatic Zeroing
Extra Small and Lightweight
Easy 4 Button Operation
Remote Operation via Optical Link
Interoperability with NBM-550 (Controller)
NBM-520 Broadband Field Meter
Rugged and Lightweight Housing
designed for easy one-hand operation.
Interchangeable plug-and-play probes,
no need for configuration
The NBM-500 Series is the most accurate non-ionizing radiation survey system
available. It provides the broadest frequency coverage of electric and magnetic
fields. Both flat response probes and probes shaped to international standards
are available. All NBM probes have a non-volatile memory containing device
parameters and calibration data. Probes are calibrated independently of the
meter. Any NBM probe can be used with any NBM-500 Series meter and still
maintain total calibration.
Precision measurement of electric and magnetic field strength for personal
safety at work where high radiation levels are present, such as:
General RF Safety program measurements
Service work on transmitting and radar equipment
Service work on mobile antennas, broadcasting and satellite
communication systems
Working with heating and hardening machines in the industry
Operating diathermy equipment and other medical instruments
producing short-wave radiation
Drying equipment in the tanning and timber industries