Atec Anritsu-MS2711 User Manual
Spectrum analyzers, Ms2711, Ne e w w

For product ordering information, see pages 4-7.
Designed for field environments and applications requiring mobility,
the MS2711 features easy-to-use, accurate performance in a light
weight (4.0 lbs, 1.8 kg), battery operated unit covering the 100 kHz
to 3000 MHz frequency range. Ideal for field/mobility use, the
MS2711 satisfies spectrum analysis needs in cellular, DCS/PCS,
paging/messaging, WLAN/WPBX, and many other communications
system applications – anywhere, anytime.
Utilizing an advanced synthesizer-based design, the MS2711 de-
livers accurate, reliable, and repeatable measurements – anywhere,
everytime. A broad range of functions, coupled with resolution band-
widths ranging from 10 kHz to 1 MHz, simplifies identification of in-
terfering signals in modern wireless systems. Rugged packaging
keeps the MS2711 operating in harsh environments and allows it to
withstand rough handling.
The MS2711 simplifies the process of making spectrum analyzer
measurements and interpreting the results. As a result, it simplifies
field engineers’ and technicians’ jobs of going site-to-site identifying,
recording, and solving problems without sacrificing measurement ac-
curacy. Users are able to store ten test setups along with 200 mea-
surement traces internally in the unit’s non-volatile memory. Stored
data can be easily downloaded to a personal computer (PC) or a
printer via an RS-232 serial cable for further analysis. A notebook
computer can be used with the RS-232 interface for automated con-
trol and data collection in the field. Additionally, a modem can be
used for remote operation.
Reporting software for PC use is Windows
95/98, NT Workstation
compatible and supports long file names for descriptive data label-
ing. The software can display an unlimited number of data traces for
comparison to historical performance. Data traces can be easily and
quickly downloaded from the MS2711 to the PC database with a sin-
gle menu selection.
A number of options are available that expand the MS2711’s ca-
pabilities, including an internal tracking generator (option 20) and an
internal RF Power monitor (option 5).
• Lightweight (4.0 lbs)
• Synthesized-based performance
• Full range of marker capabilities including peak, center, and delta
• Limit lines for quick, simple pass/fail measurements
• Rugged, reliable packaging
• Battery operated design
– 2.5 hours of continuous operation
– Built-in energy conservation that extends battery life beyond an
eight-hour workday
– Operation using a 12.5 Vdc source AC-DC adapter or automotive
cigarette lighter adapter, which simultaneously charges the bat-
– Field replaceable battery
• Data storage and memory
– Store up to ten test setups and 200 measurement traces in non-
volatile memory
– Stored data is easily and quickly downloaded to a personal com-
puter (PC) or printer
• Powerful trace management
– Automatically date/time stamped
– Alphanumeric labeling
• PC reporting software
– Windows
95/98, NT Workstation compatible
– Supports long file names for descriptive labeling
– Can display an unlimited number of traces for comparison to his-
torical performance
• Large, high resolution VGA display (640x480)
• Tracking generator option
• Power monitor option
• Direct printer control via RS232 serial port
Convenient operating procedures, high sensitivity, and excellent re-
peatability enable the MS2711 to pinpoint the smallest system per-
formance degradation and allow for easy verification of system com-
pliance. Typical applications include
• Transmitter Spectrum Analysis – occupied bandwidth, power, mod-
ulation, and antenna gain/isolation measurements
• Receive Signal Analysis – location and identification of receive in-
band interference and out-of-band spurious signals
• Modulation identification, modulation depth, deviation, and spectral
• Signal Strength Mapping – to determine the most suitable location
for antennas, base stations, and repeaters
• Stimulus-response measurements – for component test
100 kHz to 3.0 GHz
Fast, Repeatable, Portable
Spectrum Analysis