Atec Agilent-33521A-33522A User Manual
Page 4

Waveform characteristics, continued
Square & pulse
Frequency range
1 µHz to 30 MHz, 1 µHz resolution
Rise and fall times (nom)
Square: 8.4 ns, fixed
Pulse: 8.4 ns to 1 µs, independently variable, 100-ps or 3-digit resolution
Overshoot (typ)
< 2%
Duty cycle
0.01% to 99.99%
Pulse width
16 ns minimum, 100-ps resolution
Jitter (cycle-to-cycle, typ)
< 40 ps rms
Ramp & triangle
Frequency range
1 µHz to 200 kHz, 1 µHz resolution
Ramp symmetry
0.0% to 100.0%, 0.1% resolution
(0% is negative ramp, 100% is positive ramp, 50% is Triangle)
Nonlinearity (typ)
< 0.05% from 5% to 95% of the signal amplitude
Gaussian noise
Bandwidth (typ)
1 mHz to 30 MHz, variable
Crest factor (nom)
Repetition period
> 50 years
Pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS)
Bit rate
1 mbps to 50 Mbps, 1 mbps resolution
Sequence length
-1, m=7, 9, 11, 15, 20, 23
Rise and fall times (nom)
8.4 ns to 1 µs, variable, 100-ps or 3-digit resolution
Arbitrary waveform characteristics
Waveform length
8 Sa to 1 MSa (16 MSa with Option 002) in increments of 1 sample
Sample rate
1 µSa/s to 250 MSa/s, 1 µSa/s resolution
Voltage resolution
16 bits
Bandwidth (-3 dB, nom)
Filter Off: 40 MHz
“Normal” Filter On: 0.27 x (Sample Rate)
“Step” Filter On: 0.13 x (Sample Rate)
Rise and fall time
0.35 / Bandwidth (10 ns min) with "Normal" or "Step" filter On
Settling time (typ)
< 200 ns to 0.5% of final value
Jitter (typ)
Filter Off: < 40 ps rms
“Normal” or “Step” filter On: < 5 ps