Trigger modes, Inputs and outputs – Atec Agilent-81100 Series User Manual
Page 7
Data Sheet 81100 Family of Pulse Pattern Generators
Pattern mode
Pattern length: 16 kbit/channel and
strobe output.
Output format: RZ (return to zero), NRZ
(non-return to zero), DNRZ (delayed
non-return to zero).
Random pattern:
PRBS 2 ^ (n - 1) n = 7,8,...,14.
Trigger modes
Continuous: Continuous pulses, double
pulses, bursts (single or double pulses)
or patterns.
External triggered: Each active input
transition (rising, falling or both)
generates a single or double pulse,
burst or pattern.
External gated: The active input level
(high or low) enables pulses, double
pulses, bursts or patterns. The last
single/double pulse, burst or pattern
is always completed.
External width: The pulse shape can be
recovered. Period and width of an external
input signal is maintained. Delay, levels
and transitions can be set.
Manual: Simulates an external input
Internal triggered: Internal PLL replaces
an external trigger source. Pulses, double
pulses, bursts or patterns can be set.
Strobe output and trigger output
Strobe output: User-defined, 16 kbit
pattern (NRZ) when in pattern mode.
Trigger format: One pulse per period with
50% duty cycle typical. External mode:
1.5 ns typ. for Agilent 81110A. 5.9 ns typ.
for Agilent 81104A.
Level: TTL or ECL selectable.
Output impedance: 50 Ω typical.
Max. external voltage: - 2 V/+7 V.
Transition times: 1.0 ns typical for TTL,
600 ps typical for ECL.
Inputs and Outputs
Clock input/PLL reference and
external input
PLL reference: (BNC connector at rear
panel). The internal PLL is locked to an
external 5 MHz or 10 MHz reference
Clock input: (BNC connector at rear
panel). The output period is determined
by the signal at CLK input.
Ext. input: Used for trigger, gate or
external width.
Input impedance: 50 Ω/10 kΩ selectable.
Threshold: - 10 V to + 10 V.
Max. input voltage: ± 15 Vpp.
Sensitivity: ≤ 300 mVpp typical.
Transitions: < 100 ns.
Frequency: dc to max. frequency
of output module.
Min. pulse width: 1.5 ns (as width of
output module in external width mode).
Typical delay (Agilent 81110A with Agilent 81111A output module)
Instrument mode
Typ. value
External width
Ext. input
Strobe/trigger out
Output 1/output 2
8.5 ns
19.5 ns
All other modes
Ext. input/clk input
Strobe/trigger out
Output 1/output 2
12.0 ns
26.0 ns
Strobe/trigger out
Output 1/output 2
14.0 ns
1. Subtract 4 ns from the typ. delay value when referring to OUTPUT 1 / 2 for the Agilent 81112A output module and add 1 ns when referring to
OUTPUT 1 / 2 for the Agilent 81104A with the Agilent 81105A output module.