Atec Agilent-E9304A User Manual

Agilent e9300 power sensors e-series

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Wide dynamic range. Multiple modulation
formats. One sensor.

Whether you design, manufacture, or maintain RF
and microwave communication equipment, you
know the importance of making accurate average
power measurements. With communications mov-
ing to higher modulation bandwidths and new
types of signal format, you may find yourself buy-
ing multiple sensors to cover the varying power
and bandwidth requirements of each modulation

The Agilent Technologies E-series E9300 power
sensors simplify your measurement equipment
requirement and save you time and money, as well.
Used with the Agilent E4418 (single-channel) and
E4419 (dual-channel) EPM series power meters,
these new sensors can measure the average power
of RF and microwave signals, regardless of the
modulation format, over a wide 80 dB dynamic
range (sensor dependent).

Agilent E9300 Power Sensors


Technical Overview