Performance characteristics, Continued) – Atec Agilent-MSO7014B User Manual
Page 19
Performance characteristics
MSO/DSO701xB: 2 nsec/div to 50 sec/div
MSO/DSO703xB: 2 nsec/div to 50 sec/div
MSO/DSO705xB: 1 nsec/div to 50 sec/div
MSO/DSO710xB: 500 psec/div to 50 sec/div
2.5 ps
Time scale accuracy*
≤ ± (15+2* (instrument age in years)) ppm
1-2-5 increments when off, ~25 minor increments between major settings when on
Delay range
Pre-trigger (negative delay): Greater of 1 screen width or 1 ms
Post-trigger (positive delay): 1 s to 500 seconds
Analog delta-t accuracy
Same channel: ±0.0015% reading ±0.1% screen width ±20 ps
Channel-to-channel: ±0.0015% reading ±0.1% screen width ±40 ps
Same channel example (MSO/DSO705xB):
For signal with pulse width of 10 µs, scope set to 5 µs/div (50 µs screen width),
delta-t accuracy = ±{0.0015% (10 µs) + 0.1% (50 µs) + 20 ps} = 50.17 ns
Logic delta-t accuracy
Same channel: ±0.005% reading ±0.1% screen width ±(1 logic sample period, 1 ns)
±0.005% reading ±0.1% screen width ±(1 logic sample period) ±chan-to-chan skew
Same channel example:
For signal with pulse width of 10 µs, scope set to 5 µs/div (50 µs screen width),
delta-t accuracy = ±{0.005% (10 µs) + 0.1% (50 µs) + 1 ns} = 51.5 ns
Main, zoom, roll, XY, segmented (optional)
Bandwidth: Max bandwidth
Phase error at 1 MHz: < 0.5 degrees
Z Blanking: 1.4 V blanks trace (use external trigger on MSO/DSO7xx2B,
channel 4 on MSO/DSO7xx4B)
Reference positions
Left, center, right
Segmented memory re-arm time
8 µs (minimum time between trigger events)
Trigger system
MSO7xx2B: Ch 1, 2, line, ext, D15 - D0
DSO7xx2B: Ch 1, 2, line, ext
MSO7xx4B: Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, line, ext, D15 - D0
DSO7xx4B: Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, line, ext
Auto, normal (triggered), single
Holdoff time
~60 ns to 10 seconds
Trigger jitter
15 ps rms
* Denotes warranted specification. Specifications are valid after a 30 minute warm-up period and ±10 °C from firmware calibration procedure.