Iec 61000-3-2 harmonics test, Iec 61000-3-3 flicker test – Atec California-Instruments-PACS-1 User Manual

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PCTS Series - IEC 61000-3-2 Harmonics Test

The Windows based graphical user in-
terface (GUI) greatly facilitates the use
of the system by the operator. EUT
class selection and test time are the
only required user inputs. If desired,
additional information on the EUT can
be entered for incorporation in the test
report. The result of each test run is
clearly shown using color highlights.

Simple buttons start
and stop automated

Key EUT electrical pa-
rameters are updated

User selectable test
limit margin.

Test start time and test
progress are clearly in-

Clearly marked Pass
(Green) or Fail (Red) in-
dication is active during
the entire test run. AC
Line distortion is moni-
tored and compen-
sated for in software.

Both Voltage and Cur-
rent waveforms are
shown in real-time. For
class A and D test, the
special waveshape
template (red) is

Bottom graphs show
current harmonics
against IEC class lim-
its. The user can also
view the AC Line volt-
age harmonics in real-

Equipment Under Test
description and opera-
tor ID are added to all
test reports.

PCTS Series - IEC 61000-3-3 Flicker Test

Start and Stop Flicker
tests with the click of
a button.

Start time, current
time and stop time

Highest values found
during test are con-
tinuously shown and

Clear Pass (Green) or
Fail (Red) indication
leaves no doubt about
the test result.

User selectable test

Select test parameters
and data display op-

IEC Test limits can be
changed for pre-compli-
ance applications.

Real time display of d





and V


Continuous readouts of


, d


, d


, Plt and Pst

provide test progress

Equipment Under Test
description and operator
ID are added to all test

In Flicker mode, the PCTS software
automatically incorporates the effect of
the required IEC 725 reference imped-
ance. This software synthesized im-
pedance method eliminates the need
to add a costly impedance to the sys-
tem and produces comparable test re-

Actual EUT current harmonics versus
IEC test limits are displayed in graphi-
cal form with a clear indication of which
harmonics surpass the IEC limits.
AC Line voltage is monitored in real-
time and the PCTS harmonic analysis
software automatically compensates
for the effect of line distortion on the
EUT harmonic currents. This produces

test results which are comparable to
those obtained with a fully EN61000-
3-2 compliant test system.
Both IEC 61000-3-2.1998 and the IEC
61000-3-2.2001 Amendment 14 stan-
dards are supported by the PCTS soft-

sults. A real-time display of flicker pa-
rameters such as Pst, dc, dmax and dt
is provided during the test run so EUT’s
that fail are immediately apparent to the
operator. This eliminates the need to
wait for the end of an up to two hour
test run to know the outcome of a test.

A concise Flicker test report can be
printed at the end of each test run.
Required operator interaction is mini-
mal making the PCTS one of the easi-
est systems to use.