Atec California-Instruments-Omni-3-37i User Manual

Atec Equipment

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n AC Source Line Impedance Network

Works in combination with i Series and
iX Series AC Source models

n Compliant Reference Impedance

Meets IEC 1000-3-3 Flicker test specification

n Single and Three Phase Models

Supports single and three phase IEC
compliance test setups

n Bypass Mode

Low impedance path mode to disconnect
reference impedance

n 18.5 or 37.0 Amps per Phase

Capable of supporting all products that need
to be tested for compliance

n Remote Control Interface

Control of Bypass mode through power
source controller for automated test

Flicker Tests

Existing IEC regulations require

flicker testing for a large class of
electrical and electronic equipment.
Flicker occurs when the current
drawn by an electrical device
causes a voltage drop on the line
due to the line impedance. Flicker
measurements require a controlled
environment. EN 61000-3-3 / IEC
1000-3-3 deals with flicker
measurement requirements. This
standard describes the required test
setup, which includes a precision
AC source having a specific
impedance. By measuring the
voltage drop across the standard
impedance caused by the change in
current drawn by the EUT
(Equipment Under Test), the amount
of flicker caused by the load can be
determined. The characteristics of
the standard impedance must be
precisely controlled at the test
frequency of 50 Hz.

OMNI option

The OMNI-1-18i, OMNI-3-18i and

OMNI-3-37i were specifically
designed to meet the IEC 1000-3-3
reference impedance requirements
when used in conjunction with an i
Series or iX Series AC power

source. The OMNI-1-18i and OMNI-
3-18i are capable of handling the
maximum 16 A per phase current
required under the IEC standard.
The OMNI-3-37i supports 32 A per

Bypass Mode

Bypass mode of operation causes

the reference impedance in the EUT
power paths to be shunted to create
virtually zero impedance. This
electrically removes the reference
impedance between the source and
the EUT. In this mode, testing for
other applications such as IEC
1000-3-2 (Harmonics) that don’t
require the reference impedance is
possible without physically having to
disconnect it.

Engage Mode

The Engage mode activates the

reference impedance path. This
mode should be used for IEC 1000-
3-3 (Flicker) test applications. The
default mode of operation for the
OMNI is the Bypass mode so it is
important to select the correct mode
of operation when performing IEC
1000-3-3 tests.

Manual Control

When used with a power system

that lacks direct control capability,
the engage or bypass mode can be
selected from the front panel. LED’s
clearly indicate the status of the
OMNI. At power up, the OMNI
defaults to the bypass mode.

Remote Control

When used with the i Series or iX

Series of programmable AC power
sources, the engage or bypass
mode of operation are controlled
from the AC Source front panel, or
via the Power Source’s RS232 or
IEEE 488 interface. The OMNI front
panel is disabled in this case;
however, the LED’s still indicate the
status of the OMNI.

Functional Design

The OMNI-1-18i and OMNI-3-18i

are housed in a slim line 3.5” high
cabinet that matches the style of
the i Series and iX Series AC power
source. The OMNI-3-37i is
contained in a 5.25” high cabinet.
Either cabinet can be rack mounted
using the included rack mount

OMNI-1-18i / OMNI-3-18i


For IEC1000-3-3 (Flicker) Testing

Reference Impedance
