Calibration data – Atec Agilent-8490 Series User Manual

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Quality assurance in


The following examples demonstrate

the reliability and comprehensiveness

of specifications. Although the

absolute accuracy for a 3 dB attenu-

ator is specified as ±0.3 dB, test data

statistics indicate an expected value

of 3 dB ±0.20 dB from dc to 18 GHz.

Similarly a 30 dB attenuator is speci-

fied as ±1.0 dB, but typically is no

worse than 30 dB ±0.75 dB from dc to

18 GHz. The other attenuation values

are also specified as conservatively.

In addition, Agilent precision attenu-

ators meet more comprehensive

performance standards. Linear

phase response is an example. Not

only is wide bandwidth significant,

but also linear phase response is

an important parameter for applica-

tions where pulse distortion must

be kept to a minimum. The excellent

linearity of the Aglilent attenuators is

typified in the accompanying illustra-

tion of an actual network analyzer



Ruggedness, reliability and small

size make these attenuators useful

both on the bench and in systems

applications. With their high accuracy

and low SWR they are ideally suited

for extending the range of sensitive

power meters for higher power mea-

surements and for “padding” poorly

matched devices to improve system


These same characteristics lend

themselves to applications as

calibration standards in attenuation

and RF substitution measurements.

With their broad dc to 26.5 GHz

frequency range and reasonable cost,

general applications, such as the

reduction of power level to sensitive

components and instrumentation

systems, are attractive and appropri-

ate uses for these attenuators.


The accuracy of an attenuator directly

affects the accuracy of the measure-

ment where the attenuator is used. In

fact, attenuators are used extensively

as the standard against which other

instruments or devices are calibrated.

Aglilent’s fixed attenuators achieve

flat frequency response (typically a

few hundredths of a dB) and overall

accuracy (typically ±2 % of value

in dB at 26.5 GHz) through the use

of thin-film attenuator cards. These

cards are composed of high stabil-

ity tantalum nitride resistive film

deposited on a sapphire or alumina


Center trace is phase response of 8491A

–6 dB attenuator from 1.0 to 2.0 GHz taken

with Agilent 8410 network analyzer. Top and

bottom traces are ±1° calibration. Linear

phase component has been compensated

for with a line stretcher. Response,

therefore, shows nonlinear phase deviation

of < ±1/2° over 1 to 2 GHz band.


Automated procedures have resulted

in economies of scale in production

and testing. The automated resistive

film deposition process permits high-

volume manufacture with excellent

yield. Furthermore, characteristics are

consistently uniform; hand “touch-

up” is not required to meet specifica-

tions. Automatic testing means

exceptionallythorough, high-accuracy

measurements can be performed in

appreciably shorter time than could

be done manually.

The overall result is outstanding

attenuator performance at attractive


Calibration Data

Optional calibration data

Use of calibration data has always

been an effective means of reducing

measurement uncertainty at RF and

microwave frequencies. This data is

available for Agilent’s fixed attenu-

ators as Option 849xx- UK6. Data

which is generated by an automatic

network analyzer provides a tabulated

list of attenuation and SWR’s at 26 to

67 frequencies (see table 2). Measure-

ments to 60 dB are directly traceable

to NBS standards and feature very

low measurement uncertainties.

Option 849xx-UK6 data is available

when the attenuators are first purchas-

ed and recalibrations are available

through Agilent Customer Service

Centers around the world.