Atec Audio-Precision-ATS-1A_ATS-1DD User Manual

Page 5

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Injected jitter frequency can be set from

10 Hz to 38.8 kHz, not just to a fixed fre-

quency. Adjust output signal amplitude

continuously from zero to 5.12 Volts in

5 mV increments, not just at a few steps.

Independent Interface I/O Word Lengths:

Word length (resolution) of digital input

and output are independently set from 16

to 24 bits. Output resolution is set to match

the device under test to assure proper

dither. Input resolution must be set to ex-

clude signal in the AUX bits or other low-

level bit activity meaningless to the desired


Independent Input & Output Sample Rates:

Lets you test sample rate converters. Mea-

surement of the incoming embedded audio

signal can be referred to the incoming sam-

ple rate, status byte indication of rate, or

the outgoing generator rate.


ü Error Testing Capability

for Digital Audio Signals:

Stimulate the test device with random data

and display current or totaled error mea-

surements on both channels. The signal and

analysis techniques are compatible with the

BITTEST feature of our System products, so

you can test a transmission link end-to-end

with an ATS-1 Dual Domain at one end and a

System Two, Cascade or 2700 Series dual

domain instrument at the other.

Other Digital Convenience Functions:

Digital Status bytes are displayed and set in

high-level English.

Error flag displays for confidence, lock, cod-

ing, parity errors and the validity bit are


Additional active bit and actual bit displays

on the panel help determine the word

length of the incoming signal and detect

stuck bits.

Digital Dither:

ATS-1 Dual Domain includes a full comple-

ment of dither selections—triangular and

rectangular probability distribution func-

tions; white or shaped spectrum.

Dither amplitude is automatically set to the

proper value for the output word length

and the selected probability function.

Sample & Frame Sync:

Synchronize ATS-1 Dual Domain sample and

frame sync to the digital reference (house

sync) input.

Digital Pass Mode:

Sends the input digital audio content to

the output while modifying status bytes,

validity bit, etc. ATS-1 Dual Domain can

thus be used as a problem-solver between

incompatible equipment.

Signal Monitoring Outputs:

A digital signal appropriate for syncing an

external oscilloscope may be derived from

the input sample rate, output sample rate,

input block rate, output block rate, digital

audio waveform, jitter signal, or the de-

tected interface errors. A buffered version

of the balanced AES3 signal from the XLR

input is also available, which coupled with

the high input impedance of the XLR in

bridging mode allows non-intrusive digital

line measurements with conventional

ground-referenced oscilloscopes.