Atec Audio-Precision-ATS-1A_ATS-1DD User Manual

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Turn on ATS-1: Audio Testing to Meet Your Challenges

Comprehensive Analog and
Digital Functions

Digital Performance:

ATS-1 Dual Domain uses a true DSP-imple-

mented analyzer for digital measurements,

which results in –130 dB residual THD+N,

0.01 dB flatness, and –140 dBFS residual

noise. Other mixed-signal test sets in the

same price range have no digital analyzer,

but use a D/A converter and an analog ana-

lyzer. These architectures “bottom out” at

–70 dB to –84 dB residual THD+N (12–14

bit effective performance), and 0.1 dB flat-

ness. With today’s best A/D converters

measuring –108 to

–112 dB THD+N,

their real perfor-

mance is invisible

to these mixed sig-

nal analyzers

…buried under the

analyzer’s noise and

distortion floor.

Separate & Independent Analog & Digital

Often necessary for dual domain testing.

You may, for example, drive the inputs of an

A/D converter with the low-distortion ana-

log sine while simultaneously driving the

converter’s digital reference (house sync)

input with the digital generator. Then, add

jitter or vary the sample rate to see the ef-

fect on THD+N, IMD, or noise. Competitive

units can drive only one domain at a time

or use their analog generator to create the

digital jitter, and thus can’t make this mea-

surement at all.

Separate Digital Inputs & Outputs:

Three I/O formats: XLR, BNC, and optical

(Toslink®). All are completely separate from

the analog audio XLR connectors, permit-

ting both digital and analog generators to

operate simultaneously. No cable changes

required to go from A/D to D/A to D/D to

A/A testing of a digital tape machine, for


Digital & Analog Monitors:

Listen to all measurements in the digital

and analog do-

mains over the

internal loud-

speaker or a

pair of head-

phones. In the analog domain, monitor

signals or distortion. In the digital domain,

the incoming signal, distortion, or jitter

can all be monitored.

Jitter Meter:

ATS-1 Dual Domain includes jitter measure-

ment in nanoseconds or in Unit Intervals.

Two filter selections are provided for the

jitter meter: a 700 Hz high-pass filter used

for residual jitter measurements according

to AES standards, and a 50 Hz high-pass fil-

ter for jitter response measurements.

Other Interface Signal Measurements:

ATS-1 Dual Domain measures key digital I/O

interface parameters in addition to jitter,

including sample rate, AES signal voltage,

frame delay through the device under test,

and delay of the input signal relative to a

house sync reference (frame or block).

Flexible Interface Impairment Simulation:

Flexible digital interface testing is vital for

troubleshooting and verifying performance

of digital audio at the systems level. ATS-1

Dual Domain allows simulation of real world

transmission and interface problems.

Vary the digital output signal to test the ac-

ceptance range of your digital devices. Set

sample rate anywhere from 28.8 kHz to

99.9999 kHz, not just at the three standard

frequencies. Inject jitter amplitude from

0 UI to 2.5 UI (415 ns at 48 kHz) in

0.01 UI (1.6 ns) steps, or 0 UI to 25.5 UI

(4150 ns) in 0.1 UI (16 ns) steps.

A competitive instrument lacking a
DSP analyzer produces false THD+N
readings (red trace) from a popu-
lar A/D converter; but both the
ATS-1 Dual Domain and the Audio
Precision 2700 Series graph the
true performance of the converter
(from 5 dB to 28 dB lower), as
shown by the blue trace.