Cla-Val 346GF User Manual
346gf, Emergency breakaway coupling, Cla-val

Emergency Breakaway Coupling
The Model 346GF Emergency Breakaway Coupling responds to
an axial pull force to separate and close both halves to prevent the
loss of fuel.
The Coupling incorporates the closure elements utilized in the Cla-
Val Model 344GF Hose End Quick Disconnects that are well
proven to close tightly and have the strength to withstand high
pressures. When open, these closure elements (resembling but-
terfly valves) are turned to allow the flow of fuel. Because of this
unique design, the resistance to flow is significantly lower than any
competing product today. The 346GF Emergency Breakaway
Coupling has the lowest pressure drop and, therefore, reduces
refueling times.
There are no pins or screws broken during disconnection. The
Model 346GF Emergency Breakaway Coupling incorporates a
unique pressure balance configuration that causes the Coupling to
disconnect with the same force regardless of internal pressure lev-
The Model 346GF Emergency Breakaway Coupling is very easily
reconnected by one person with no tools required. When discon-
nected, just align the two halves and press them together until the
grey flat face of the inlet half becomes flush with the end of the
black sleeve on the outlet half. This visual check confirms that the
Coupling is fully engaged and is ready and safe for use. When
connected, the Model 346GF Emergency Breakaway Coupling
performs as a swivel joint allowing the outlet end to turn as
The coupling can be easily disconnected manually to give access
to the swivel joint O-ring. Simply insert two 1/8” dia. pins into the
two holes provided thru the flat face of the inlet half. Push in the
two pins to depress the latch ring and pull the two halves apart.
The pressure balanced design of the Cla-Val Model 346GF
Emergency Breakaway Coupling incorporates a number of springs
and o-rings that limit fuel leakage. The main swivel o-ring, which
is located on the Inlet Half can be easily changed with the
Coupling is disconnected. This o-ring can be changed on the flight
The Model 346GF Emergency Breakaway Coupling (EBC) cleanly comes
apart and closes both separated halves when an axial load of 200 - 250
lbs. at 0 to 450 gpm is applied. It is used by the US Navy at ground-based
refueling facilities so that a pilot can drive/fly away from the refueling facil-
ity in case of emergency.
Double Shut-Off Design
Lowest Possible Pressure Drop
Twin Stainless Steel Butterfly Valves
Pulls apart with 200 lb. Axial Force
Pressure Balanced Design
No Broken Pins to Replace
Re-coupled by One Person with no Tools
Robust Design for Long Life
Large Aluminum Drag Ring
Copyright Cla-Val 2014 Printed in USA Specifications subject to change without notice.
P.O. Box 1325
• Newport Beach, CA 92659-0325 • Phone: 949-722-4800 • Fax: 949-548-5441 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website
E-346GF Emergency Breakaway Coupling (R-07/2014)
for Nav
y &
Marine Use