Cla-Val 100-46 User Manual
316 stainless steel hytrol valve

Principle of Operation
The Cla-Val Model 100-46 Hytrol 316SS Valve is a hydraulically operat-
ed, diaphragm actuated, globe pattern valve with all 316 Stainless
Steel metal parts. Specially designed 316 Stainless Steel removable
slip-on flanges provide 150 or 300 ANSI class flange connections that
meet ANSI and ISO standards. This valve is ideal for control valve
applications where fluid compatibility is often a problem. The standard
Electropolish finish on the 316 Stainless Steel parts offers extreme cor-
rosion resistance to many industrial fluids such as seawater, high
alkyl or high acid concentrations or other aggressive or corrosive flu-
The Model 100-46 Hytrol consists of these major components: body,
flanges, diaphragm assembly and cover. The diaphragm assembly is
the only moving part and is guided top and bottom by a precision-
machined stem. A non-wicking diaphragm of nylon fabric reinforced,
synthetic rubber creates the control chamber for the valve. A resilient,
synthetic rubber disc forms a drip-tight seal, with the renewable seat, when pressure is applied to the control chamber. The rugged
simplicity of design and packless construction assures a long life of dependable, trouble-free operation. Smooth flow passages
and fully guided diaphragm assembly assure optimum control, when used in piping systems requiring remote control, pressure reg-
ulation, solenoid operation, rate of flow control or check valve operation.
1. Before valve is installed, pipe lines should be flushed of
all chips, scale and foreign matter.
2. It is recommended that either gate or block valves be
installed on both ends of the 100-46 Hytrol Valve to facilitate
isoIating the valve for preventive maintenance and repairs.
3. Place the valve in the line with flow through the valve in
the direction indicated on the inlet nameplate. (See “Flow
Direction” Section)
4. Allow sufficient room around valve to make adjustments
and for disassembly.
5. CIa-VaI 100-46 Hytrol Valves operate with maximum effi-
ciency when mounted in horizontal piping with the cover
UP, however, other positions are acceptable. Due to size and
weight of the cover and internal components of 8 inch and
larger valves, installation with the cover UP is advisable. This
makes internal parts readily accessible for periodic inspection.
6. If a pilot control system is installed on the 100-46 Hytrol
Valve, use care to prevent damage. If it is necessary to remove
fittings or components, be sure they are kept clean and replaced
exactly as they were.
7. After the valve is installed and the system is first pressurized,
vent air from the cover chamber and pilot system tubing by
loosening fittings at all high points.
316 Stainless Steel Hytrol Valve
(Full Internal Port)
Full Open Operation
When pressure in the cover cham-
ber is relieved to a zone of lower
pressure, the line pressure at the
valve inlet opens the valve, allow-
ing full flow.
Modulating Action
The valve holds any intermediate
position when operating pressure
is equal above and below the
diaphragm. Using a Cla-Val
“Modulating” Control will allow the
valve to automatically compen-
sate for line pressure changes.
Tight Closing Operation
When pressure from the valve inlet
is applied to the cover chamber, the
valve closes drip-tight.
On-Off Control
On-Off Control