Cla-Val 7100 Quick Manual User Manual
Remote control valve

Remote Control Valve
The Cla-Val 7100 Valve is a hydraulically operated, diaphragm
actuated, globe pattern valve. This valve consists of three
major components, the Body, with Fusion Bonded Epoxy
Coating Standard, Diaphragm Assembly and Cover. The
Diaphragm Assembly is the only moving part.
The Body contains a renewable seat insert.
The Diaphragm Assembly uses a diaphragm of nylon fabric
bonded with synthetic rubber. A synthetic rubber disc forms a seal
with the valve seat when pressure is applied above the
diaphragm. The Diaphragm Assembly forms a sealed chamber
in the upper portion of the valve, separating operating pressure
from line pressure.
When equipped with a three-way control valve the Cla-Val 7100
Valve either opens wide or closes tight.
When pressure in diaphragm chamber is relieved to a zone
of lower pressure (usually atmosphere) the line pressure at
the valve seat opens the valve.
When pressure from the valve inlet (or an equivalent inde-
pendent operating pressure) is applied to the diaphragm
chamber the valve closes drip-tight.
1. Before valve is installed, pipe lines should be flushed of
all chips, scale and foreign matter.
2. Place valve in the line with flow through the valve in the
direction indicated on inlet plate or by flow arrows.
3. Allow sufficient room around valve to make adjust-
ments, and for disassembly.
4. Cla-Val 7100 Valves operate in any position.
5. If a pilot control system is installed with the 7100 Valve,
use care to prevent damage. If necessary to remove fittings
or tubing, be sure they are kept clean and replaced exact-
ly as they were.
6. After the valve is installed and the system is first pres-
surized, vent air from the cover chamber and tubing by
loosening fittings at all high points.
Cla-Val 7100 Valves require no lubrication or packing and a
minimum of maintenance.
The inspection or maintenance of the 7100 Valve can be
accomplished without removal from the line. After pressure
has been shut off and the pressure released from the valve
and cover chamber, unscrew cover bolts and remove
Cover, Spring and Diaphragm Assembly. Remove seat
only if damage is evident. Check Disc for excessive wear
or embedded particles.
To reassemble reverse the order of disassembly.