4 control panel, 1 leds description – Xylem ECOCIRC XL, XLplus Electronic drive User Manual

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4 Control Panel

For a description of buttons, indicators and display
present on the user interface, follow the table below
referring to

Figure 10

(in case of plug-connected

models) and to

Figure 11

(in case of terminal-

connected models).


Control Mode button

See par. 4.3.3


Control Mode indicators (LEDs)

See par. 4.3.3


Parameter button

See par. 4.2


Parameter indicators (LEDs)

See par. 4.2


Setting buttons

See par. 4.3.1


Numeric display


Power indicator (LED)

See par. 4.1.1


Status indicator (LED)

See par. 4.1.2


Remote control indicator (LED)

See par. 4.1.3

4.1 LEDs description

4.1.1 Power indicator [


When the


(green) LED is lit, the circulator is

supplied with power and the electronic devices are

4.1.2 Status indicator [


If the

LED is not lit, then the pump is

stopped or disabled and the pump motor is not

If the


(orange) LED is lit, then the pump is

still enabled and the pump motor is running,
because in presence of a non-blocking alarm

If the


(red) LED is lit, then the pump is

stopped or disabled and the pump motor is not
running due to a blocking error

If the


(green) LED is lit, then the pump is


4.1.3 Remote control indicator [


This indicator is used only on ecocirc XLplus
circulators, because it is related to the presence of any
kind of communication.
The way the Remote LED is lit (permanently) or blinks,
depends on several settings and conditions as below

Condition 1

If no optional wireless / RS485 module is used
(referring to par., parameter

Module” is set to

value “None”) and the protocol for the communication
bus is Modbus RTU (parameter

Protocol” is set to

value “Modbus”)

If the

LED is not lit, then the drive cannot

detect any valid Modbus message on the terminals
provided for the communication bus

If the


(green) LED is permanently lit, then

the drive both

o detected a communication bus on the

provided terminals

o acknowledged the correct addressing

If the


(green) LED is blinking with 50%

duty every second, then the drive

o detected a communication bus on the

provided terminals

o has not been correctly addressed

Particular behaviors (in this condition) for this indicator
are the following

 If the


(green) LED switches from being

permanently lit to being not lit, then the drive
didn’t detect any valid Modbus RTU message (at
least) for the last 5 seconds

 If the


(green) LED switches from being

permanently lit to blinking with 50% duty every
second, then the drive has not been correctly
addressed (at least) for the last 5 seconds

Condition 2

If no optional wireless / RS485 module is used
(referring to par.

, parameter “Module” is set to

value “None”) and the protocol for the communication
bus is Bacnet MSTP (

parameter “Protocol” is set to

value “Bacnet”)

If the

LED is not lit, then the drive didn’t

receive any valid request, coming from any other
Bacnet MSTP device, (at least) for the last 5

If the


(green) LED is permanently lit, then

the drive is exchanging information with any other
Bacnet MSTP device

Condition 3

If the optional wireless module is used (referring to par.

, parameter “Module” is set to value “Wireless”)

If the

LED is not lit, then the connection

with the wireless module is damaged or absent

If the


(green) LED is blinking with 10%

duty every second, then the drive is exchanging
information with the wireless module

Condition 4

If the optional RS485 module is used (referring to par.

, parameter “Module” is set to value “RS485”)

If the

LED is not lit, then either

o the connection with the RS485 module is

damaged or absent


the drive didn’t receive any valid request,
coming from any other external device, (at
least) for the last 5 seconds

If the


(green) LED is blinking with 90%

duty every second, then both

o the RS485 module is correctly connected
o the drive is exchanging information with any

other external device