Xylem 704 PUMP CONTROLLER User Manual

Page 7

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6.4Relay operating / not operating

Choose whether to have the relay operating or not



Relay controlling / alarm

Set whether the relay is to be an alarm relay or a pump

controlling relay.

When the relays are activated, the light emitting diodes

under the display will show, whether it is an alarm relay or

a control relay: When an alarm relay is activated the

diode will flash a red light; when a control relay is

activated the diode will flash a green light.

6.6.1 Relay level alarm / system error

If the relay is set for alarm relay, set the alarm to be a

level (high/low) alarm or an alarm for system error.

6.6.2 Relay NC / NO

Choose the relay function for the output, (Normally Open)

or (Normally Closed).

6.6.3 Relay set>reset (high) / set

Set the level alarm to be registered as a high or low

alarm. If the alarm needs to be a high alarm, choose set >

reset. If the alarm needs to be a low alarm choose set <


6.7.1 Relay alternating / directly controlled

The output relays can be set as directly controlled or

alternating. At direct control, the start and stop values

which have been keyed in for the individual relay activate

the outputs, nothing else activates them. At alternating

operation the alternating pumps will take it in turns to start

up in a cycle, so that when a start level is activated the

next relay in the cycle is activated. If several start levels

are passed several pumps will consequently be started.

6.7.2 Temporary operation

In this menu you choose whether the output relay, which

you have chosen for alternating operation, has to be

forced stopped after a given amount of time. Operating

hours before forced stop is chosen in menu 6.7.3. Please

note that if one output is stopped, the next output relay in

the alternation sequence will be activated as soon as start

level has been reached, and output delay has passed


6.7.3 Stop after XXX minutes

If temporary stop is chosen in menu 6.7.2., key in the

operating hours that will cause a forced stop of the output.

The interval can be set from 1 – 999 minutes.

6.7.4Level not in use / in use

To avoid all pumps running at the same time in alternating

operation, levels can be left unused.

One level minimum, must be left “in use” for the pump

controller to function correctly. If the pump controller is set

up to alternate in pairs at least one of level 1 and 2 as well

as either level 3 or 4 must be left “in use”.


Relay delay

To avoid short error conditions, or levels continuously

activating the relays, a delay time can be set. If the

connected pumps are not started simultaneously for over

load reasons, the delay time can be set differently for the


In case of an error condition or level continuously

exceeding, the diode will flash. If the condition proceeds

after the delay time has expired the relay will be activated

and the diode will be permanently lit.


mA output programming

Set the voltage analog for the pump controller.


mA output 0-20mA / 4-20mA

Set the mA output as either a 4-20 mA signal or a 0-20

mA signal.


mA output 4-20mA / 20-4 mA

Set the voltage output to be either 4-20 mA signal or 20-4

mA signal.

If (0 or 4) - 20 mA is chosen, a high level will give a high

mA-signal and a low level a low mA-signal.

If 20 - (4 or 0) mA is chosen, a high level will give a low

mA-signal and a low level a high mA-signal.


mA output 4 mA = (elevation)

If 4-20 mA has been chosen in 7.2, key in which level the

low mA value represents. If 20-4 mA has been chosen,

the value represented by the high mA is set here.

7.4mA output 20 mA = (elevation)

If 4-20 mA has been chosen in 7.2, key in here which level

the high mA value represents. If 20-4 mA is chosen, key

in the value represented by the low mA.


Pump flow programming

At flow calculation a known volume between two levels is

programmed. The pump controller is then able to

calculate the flow from the measured level differences.

In the flow calculation the fact, that inlets can occur

simultaneously with pumping out is taken into conside-


To calculate flow the following conditions must be met: