Xylem 704 PUMP CONTROLLER User Manual
Page 6

Key in elevation
If level indication with elevation has been chosen, the
elevation is keyed in at this point.
For ultrasonic systems the elevation is keyed in as the
0-point of measuring.
For hydrostatic measuring systems the sensor is placed in
the zero point of the measurement, therefore the elevation
for the sensor is keyed in. Use arrow keys for this setting.
Double arrow changes the value before the comma, single
arrow changes the value after the comma.
Sensor level
For ultrasonic measuring systems the sensor elevation
above the zero point is keyed in. Use the arrow keys for
this setting. Double arrow changes the value before the
comma, single arrow changes the value after the comma.
Max level
The max level is set to restrict the setting of start and stop
level. Use arrow keys for this setting. Double arrow
changes the value before the comma, single arrow
changes the value after the comma.
Output relays programming
In this menu the function for the four output relays are
programmed. In menu 6.1 and 6.2 joint settings for the
four outputs are programmed. In menu 6.3 to 6.8 the
individual outputs are programmed.
Controlling of emptying / filling
The relays which are configured for control, are program-
med to control either an emptying or a filling function. At
the emptying function the pump-start levels are higher
than the pump-stop levels. At the filling function the
pump-start levels are lower than the pump-stop levels.
Alternating normally / in pairs
At this point the outputs programmed to run as alternating
(see menu 6.7.1), can be set up to run normally or in
At normal alternating, there is alternating between all the
outputs which are set up to alternate.
At alternating in pairs, output 1 and 2 are alternated as
one of the pairs and between output 3 and 4 as the other
pair. If alternating in pairs is chosen all four outputs are
used as alternating, and it is therefore not possible to
configure any of the relays as alarms or as directly
Relay programming
Choose with arrow keys or key 1-4 which output relay is to
be programmed, confirm choice with ENTER.
Select unit measurement
Level indication and unit of elevation can be chosen as:
m, bar, kPa, cm, mm, l/s, ft or in.
Select unit volume
Unit of volume can be chosen between
Gal, m
, CF, l
The resolution of measured volumes will be adjusted to
the accuracy of flow measurement possible with the pump
Select unit flow
Unit of flow can be chosen between
/h, l/s, MGD, CFS, G/mi
The resolution of measured flow will be adjusted to the
accuracy of flow measurement possible with the pump
Sensor menu - data for mounting
Menus which are accessible, depend on the setup. The
pump controller can be either an ultrasonic measuring
system or a hydrostatic measuring system.
The flow-chart "Programming of Pump Controller 704" at
the end of this manual, shows which of the following
menus are accessible during system setup.
Select sensor / span
In ultrasonic measuring systems, the sensor and the
amplifier are calibrated together, and the measuring range
of the sensor can be read.
In the hydrostatic measuring system, the type of sensor
applied can be coded into the system and the measuring
scale of the sensor can be read.
Select comma
When choosing selectable span in hydrostatic measuring
systems, the comma is adjusted to set where the decimal
point will be in the level readings. The choices are:
1.234, 12.35, 123.4 or 1234
5.4Select span
When choosing the selectable span with hydrostatic
measuring systems; the span is set with the arrow keys.
Double arrow changes the value before the comma, single
arrow changes the value after the comma.