Conductivity calibration – YSI Pro2030 User Manual
Page 15

Power the instrument on and place the sensor into a sample that has
been titrated to determine the dissolved oxygen concentration. The
sample should cover the two holes of the conductivity sensor that are
located near the cable, see figure 8. During the calibration, continuously
stir or move the probe through the sample at a rate of at least 6 inches
(15.5 cm) per second if using a yellow membrane or at least 3 inches
(7.7 cm) per second if using a blue membrane. A stir plate may be
helpful for this calibration procedure.
Allow the dissolved oxygen and temperature readings to stabilize. This
may take 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the type and condition of the
Press the Cal key. Highlight Dissolved oxygen and press enter.
Highlight mg/L or ppm depending on what is enabled in the System
Setup menu and press enter.
Use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the mg/L (ppm) reading to
the value of the titrated sample. Press enter to confirm the value and
complete the calibration or press the Cal key to cancel the calibration.
‘Calibration Successful’ will display for a few seconds to indicate a
successful calibration and then the instrument will return to the Run
If the calibration is unsuccessful, an error message will display on the
screen. Press the Cal key to exit the calibration error message and
return to the Run screen. See the Troubleshooting guide for possible
conductIvIty calIBratIon
Ensure the conductivity sensor is clean and dry before performing a conductivity,
specific conductance or salinity calibration.
Note: When calibrating Specific Conductance, the Pro2030 uses the factory
default values for the Specific Conductance Reference Temperature and the
Specific Conductance Temperature Coefficient regardless of what is configured in
the System Setup Menu. The default value for the Reference Temperature is 25°C
It is not necessary to calibrate conductivity, specific conductance
and salinity. Calibrating one of these parameters will simultaneously
calibrate the others. YSI recommends calibrating specific conductance
for greatest ease.
and the default value for the Temperature Coefficient is 1.91%/°C. It is important
to note that the Temperature Coefficient of a calibration solution is dependent
on the contents of the solution. Therefore, YSI recommends using a traceable
calibration solution made of KCl (potassium chloride) when calibrating Specific
Conductance since these solutions typically have a Temperature Coefficient of
1.91%/°C. Additionally, be sure to enter the value of the solution as it is listed for
25°C when calibrating Specific Conductance.
Fill a clean container (i.e. plastic cup or glass beaker) with fresh, traceable
conductivity calibration solution and place the sensor into the solution.
The solution must cover the holes of the conductivity sensor that are
closest to the cable (figure 8). Ensure the entire conductivity sensor is
submerged in the solution or the instrument will read approximately
half the expected value. Gently move the probe up and down to remove
any air bubbles from the conductivity sensor.
Figure 8, solution above two holes near cable.
Turn the instrument on and allow the conductivity and temperature
readings to stabilize. Press the Cal key. Highlight Conductivity and press
enter. Next, highlight the desired calibration method, Sp. Conductance
or Conductivity, and press enter.
Highlight the units you wish to calibrate, either uS/cm or mS/cm, and
press enter. 1 mS = 1,000 uS. Next, use the up or down arrow key to
adjust the value on the display to match the value of the conductivity
calibration solution. If calibrating conductivity, it is necessary to look